Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Ultrasound & FNAC results

* Again, This post is not for everyone. It's for my sickness records ( August 8, 2023 till Today ) . You guys don't need to read or comments because it's going to be very long long post. Most of stories already has been told in FB. * Comments are off *

Back to the past ...

Before mom and me know what caused fluids in my right lung buildup, All my results ( Bloodwork, X-ray, Fluids samples ) were unclear to tell what was caused. It was very serious because unclear results means a doctor was unable to give me treatments. It could be fatal because my fluids were building up every two days. They have to act quickly to find out.

A VET suspected :

1) FIP : feline infectious peritonitis

2) Heart disease

3) Cancer

4) Minor diseases

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I did ECHO so it was clear I don't have heart disease.

Only FIP and Cancer is a main suspicious. But most of first results put more weight to FIP the most. With a big pictures. Nothing weighted for cancer. It was the less suspicious.

Once it was unclear, I had to do the second test. All was sent to feline pathology again, and I did more X-Ray. ( The second bloodwork and my third fluids aspiration's samples ) 

Then all second results + the forth fluids from lung ( Milky ) cleared up on July 30, 2023  I was diagnosed Chylothorax. New diet ( low-fat ) and my treatments started right away under hospital care. ( Note : I admit to hospital on July 27, 2023 )

Only one test I did not yet do is Ultrasound... 🐾 

Monday night : July 31, 2023 A specialist found a lump above my heart ( right lung ). Mom still thought it was nothing. A specialist advice to do FNAC Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Mom agreed. The sample was sent to feline pathology.



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I was back home on August 2, 2023. I looked good. Me and mom started the new normal. ( New Diet & Medicine + No treats. Mom has to monitor my breathing , weight, etc. )

I was doing good. Our positive was up.... 

Then August 4, 2023  The VET ( GP ) rang mom to tell mom my results from FNAC shows I have evil cancer. My mom tears was pouring. That day, I actually looked fine. Only thing my mom concerned was my mushy products.

At the front of an oncologist's room

August 6, 2023 Sunday afternoon, We went to see an oncologist to find out the detail and options of treatments. Before mom saw her. Mom already made up her mind " No operation & No Chemo for me " End up she told mom the results said  " WAS SUGGESTED ". It means " Only suspicious " The oncologist said it was not enough for her to have a conclusion 100 % I has cancer, and no way she can suggest me any cancer treatments "

Me and mom had big smile, We was creaming happily till an oncologists had to give mom a warning " But it doesn't mean he doesn't has cancer ! It's just couldn't be sure by FNA's results. To be 100% we has to see his tissue from his lung which he has to do operation which I am not going to send him to do that. He looks well no other signs to pin yet. " Mom didn't hear her anymore. We was quickly leave a room lol.

Mom asked the hospital to see my doctor to check fluids in my lung. She sent me to do X-ray to see do I have a fluids build-up ? Nop, its no fluids buil-up. It was a great news. Mom and doctor talked about my diet and my medication because my products become semi- liquid in that morning. My doctor stopped antibiotic ( Cafspan 100 mg ), and gave me Synbiotic D-C ) Mom thought she was on top of my symptoms but NOT.

No fluids built-up
A star on my right lung is an area FNAC was performed

After we back home. I ate and I ran straight to my litter. My missile exploded in a tray and spread to a wall. Mom looked at my new artwork then she turned and see my shitty butt and paw. She did wash and dried for me. She hope a new pill will make it better tomorrow to come.

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Monday 7 of August, I still kept going with diarrhea. Mom was not worried just diarrhea but my body temperature was changed too often. According to cleaning after the missile explosion ( + my belly was shaved when I have to do ultrasound. Its easy to feel cold ). The end of Monday she took me to hospital for fast check up ( gum, blood pressure, sample of my poop and my body temperature ) A doctor had a quick chat with mom she put me back to antibiotic but a different one : Marbofloxcin 20 mg. and she reduce my steroid ( prednisolone 5 mg )

August 8, 2023 It was International kitty day. It was my unstable day. Good news my diarrhea stopped, Bad news, I didn't make any products all day long, only pee. My breathing is so fast in the morning. It's almost hit a level mom has to grab me and go to hospital. My face is shaking like the Indian way of shaking face ( means fluids in my lung might be build-up ). Mom weight me again to check. 7.2 kg is exactly the same as the early morning and yesterday. Phew ! it was okay.

We kitties sleep a lot, that's our normal way. Yesterday I was like a human who has a lots of coffee. No sleep for long hours ( During daylight ).

Mom tried to encourage me purrs to heal myself. I avoid her hand to touch my head. Mom thought I was possible in pain or feel dizzy because of pills. She gave me Matatabi powder ( AKA Silvervine powder ) I licked it all. After that I went to sleep.

In the afternoon my breathing was slowing down and back to normal rate at the end of a day. Mom did massage me. I did purrs so she know she got nothing too worried about. Purring is always a good sign.

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Today August 9, 2023 I am good as new even I didn't make a product. My breathing is normal. I eat a lots and drink. I can ran away from medicine. ( I did have it + Omega 3 )

I will see my doctor again on Sunday for check-up.

All Good 🐾

💖 Thanks to you all. it's overwhelming by your love and care 💖

💖 Love you all 💖


Puddy Boy