Monday, July 31, 2023

Causes of Fluids in my right lung

This post is not for everyone. It's my past of what was going on with me. Mom is a forgetful person.. she needs this post as a note to herself which she can access easily. You guys doesn't need to read or comments because it's going to be very long. And most of stories already has been told in FB excepted the last part, what cause of fluids build up in my lungs ( which you can scroll down to the end if you prefer to find out ) 




Last Monday, me and mom rushed to an animal hospital because I breathed very fast for two days. I started to deny food, treats, drink, pee and poo. An hour before we went to hospital I had labour breathing. My heart's movement look like a big wave in the ocean for surfing. Mom suspected I might have a problem with heart. She took me to this new hospital ' VET4 ' because there has a feline heart specialist. And its not far from my home.

Arrived at the hospital, They took my blood and did X-ray. Blood's results turned out fine but X- ray shows my lung was filled up with fluids ( Full ). 

My normal X-rays are from a previous hospital
when I diagnoses a chronic upper respiration disease  on March 2023

Bottom left is the first X-Ray I reached a hospital,
Bottom Right is the X-ray before a doctor performed my forth fluid aspiration.

All the fluids squeezed my heart till I had a very difficult breathing. A heart specialist asked mom permission to perform fluids aspiration to safe my life. Of course mom said yes.

New things mom learns, They couldn't drain all fluid my right lung in one hit. Once a cat feels a little bit better we don't allowed them to continued. I made my moved. Big furry guy like me ? You bet ! ...So my VET did his best ( mom felts sorry for him a bit ) Got fluids out as much as he could. First time in mom's life in Bangkok. She thinks she finally found a good VET for me. Mom is graceful because a doctor is a big guy he got more chances to drain my fluids than a small doctor. 

Later my results of both bloodwork and fluids shows many possibility... Heart diseases, Cancer, FIP, etc. But all is not enough to pin. what I got. Once they don't know for sure they can't give a treatments. We were back home. I was good in one day, next day was down. I was back to hospital again last Wednesday.

This time, A VET & staffs couldn't perform much ( Fluids aspiration ) because I still have some strength. On Wednesday, they all are small persons and thin built. Only 30 cc. was drained from my body. Everyone knew in their heart my lung still contain lots of fluids they can see no improving of the way I was breathing. But they couldn't force me more. Everyone know sick cat's stress can trigger strokes and heart attacks. They stopped. 

Thursday of July 27, 20233  I was home. My breathing was still fast & furious. I couldn't move normal. Mom made a decision to admit me to A hospital's care that night. She expected the fluids will come back like a wave. 

Friday of July 28, 2023 @ 7.26 am, The hospital reported mom about my respiration by the apps. My respiration counts are a bit fast but not critical. I got no fever, not eat by myself, no drink, pee but poo. Mom drove to see me. She expected to reached a hospital at 10 am ( Visiting Hours ) She worried and miss me. She planed to feed me and make me drink ( I might do it by her ). I was already in an urgent room because my breathing was racing to + 66 counts per a min. A doctor performed fluids aspiration straight away. An amount was better from the second time but it was not all. Same things I made my moved. No one could hold me more. Mom has to wait for an hour because a heart specialist performed Echo with me as well. Mom felt sorry for a lady who brought her cats by appointment. She and her cats have to wait till her doctor has done with me ( urgent ).

A doctor had a good talk with mom explained the fact , whats possible could be and sorry she couldn't pin point it quick enough. According to most results are unclear. ( Fact : The most accurate way to know is...taking a tissue from my lung ( operation ) to test which we are not going to do it ) While they was talking, the latest results from ECHO heart scan arrived and showed I don't have heart disease 100% Now what was left ? it's an evil Cancer & FIP... The sound always put the weights to FIP in some points. Mom has been warned by one doctor. It have to act fast for treatments once they know for 100%. A doctor wants to be sure mom understood because she have to approved them to go every process. ( These days many humans sued a doctor or hospital so they won't act till everything was signed or approved ) 

Saturday of July 29, 2023. Mom went to visit me. I was stable in the morning. A doctor reported my weight was increasing from 7.1 kg - 7.2 kg ( 15.8lb) overnight. A doctor expected a fluids in lung was building up +100 ml but she couldn't be sure because I didn't pee and poo. She kept an eye on me,

A young doctor answered mom about FIP treatments that mom got no idea about it. It's an illegal drugs a hospital does not provided them. Mom has to get them by herself if my results show positive. It's an illegal because FDA still didn't approved. It's a new drug.

That night she did home works about FIP treatments. It's extremely expensive in Thailand. To finish a set of GS. It's about +200,000 Bath for starting.( AU 8740.29, USA 5849.92, EUR 5301.67 ). For 4 kg ( 8.8 lb ) Kitty. I'm 7.2 kg. (15.8 lb)

Yep. FIP is absolutely can broke my mom's bank. Whatever it is my fluid is building up every two days. Too often perform fluids aspiration could take a high risk to have an infection or add up more diseases because of stressful. She just know she have to act fast. She couldn't wait for bloody results to pin. How many tests I have to do till the results will show 100%. No one could tell even the doctors. Don't take mom wrong, she doesn't think it's anybody's false. But fluids in my lung couldn't wait.

What my mom heard about GS is a miracle even some kitties who doesn't have FIP. Three to seven days of treatments you could see an improvement, especially a level of fluids reducing. ( Reminder : there are a few percentage the cat dies right away as well )

Saturday night, Mom turned to be a Tiger's mom after knowing my Ultrasound appointment has been postponed to Monday night. 

She has been told my condition will be treat as soon as they has some results to confirmed the 100%.
All results they got are blur, not clear. Mom's hope is the Ultrasound, it could pin. then I can start my treatment whatever it is

All a sudden, an ultrasound specialist canceled my appointment in the last min. because the public holiday which the people in a whole country knew. We booked him earlier if he knew he will not be available for me he should not accepted to have an appointment with me. That was mom's thought and she was furious while chatting with a hospital on Saturday night. Mom misunderstood. My doctor booked him by his normal schedule. He didn't know. My doctor apologized she just found out as well. Apologized accepted.

Sunday July 30, 2023 The Clear Day

Good start with my one tiny poop and pee. So now a doctor was clear my fluids increasing in lung, not pee or poo. My breathing is okay. I don't drink at all. 

Mom requested a serious talked with s doctor because makes a decision to be on top of my fluids. She wants to know what it could be if she wants to use GS with me even I might not have FIP.  She wants to know where she could get GS, and is it possible to do in hospital. Or she have to hire someone to injected me. Many idiots questions was pouring... A doctor was super polite and kind. She told mom we got a treatments it's a tablet. Same kind of Favipiravir a treatment for COVID19 in human. It's Oral treatment containing GS-441524. It's available to use in animal hospital. One is clear for mom who didn't sleep almost a

A doctor showed mom a new blood work results which some numbers have changed. The old one indicated I might have FIP 80%, but now NOP ! just high FAT !!!! HIGH CHOLESTORAL !
which cause my lymphatic vessels become damaged, and chyle — a fluid — leaks into nearby... 
Yep, my lung

To confirm I got Pleural effusion caused by Chylothorax 100% 
After my doctor performed fluids aspiration with me.
My fluids is milky ... Fat....FAT...and FAT !!!

Left is my last 3 times fluids : Clear light yellow ( syringes )
Right is my latest fluids in my right lung : Milky : 300 cc.

All I have to do is change my diet. Add more Omega 3
Doctor will give me some medication to eat.
Mom has to keep an eye on my respiration daily/nightly
Mom doesn't tell me yet no more treats.... SUFFER !

That's all I know for now
Please wish me luck, Next two hours
A specialist will perform Ultrasound with me.
we wish nothing bad to be found

Paws Crossed

Puddy Boy


  1. My thoughts and purrs are right there with you Puddy and Mamma.

  2. Hello, it's Mrs Anonymous again, to tell you we have everything crossed for good luck!(Angel-Milo and Alfie's mom) Sending you love and best wishes. XX

  3. We will continue our purrs and prayers.

  4. Continuing to send purrs for you, Mr.Puddy.

  5. I’m continuing to purr up a storm here, buddy! Mum read the whole thing btw. She said she wanted to understand. She’s good like that lol. :sending you all the love and manly cat hugs, your bro, Austin ♥️♥️♥️♥️❤️

  6. Sending you purrayers and POTP Puddy ! We read the whole thing too(not that we understood it all!) and are glad you and Mom got some answers.

  7. Sending you and your mum all my love Mr Puddy xxx

  8. I am praying for you Mr. Puddy. I hope all that is needed is a diet change. XO

  9. There isn't a day, an hour, a minute that goes by that we're not praying for you and thinking of you Mr. Puddy.

  10. Got all my paws crossed for you Puddy.

    Sydney, Australia

  11. We will just keep on purring and praying for you, Puddy. Love to you and Mom!

  12. Puddy, our dear friend and loved throughout the cat world... We hope the best. We encourage you and Mom to keep up hope.

    Paws crossed and purring good helps to you!

  13. puddy, we read your new post, we do not have facebook, and see comments
    off. sending blessings to you and mom with loves and hugs…
    this is from us tabbies ( log in issues ) da tabbies o trout towne
