Saturday, August 12, 2023

Time to say good bye πŸ’”


If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

Love you forever, Puddy..My darling boy
August 12, 2023

5.45 am. Mom woke up and saw me not alright. Mom quickly got me in a car. She drove as fast as she could to my animal hospital.

On the way to hospital, I breathed really fast and loud. Mom has never ever heard of this kind of breathing. It was really fast and loud. Mom told me “ Puddy, baby hangs in there, we almost there ! “

We almost reached hospital I got out to pee in the litter tray behind the backseat and I covered it. I always good at that. Do things properly for mom even now it was really hard for me to breathe. I made it to my carrier while mom was driving. 
My pee actually didn't go into a litter tray but all over my hinge leg. Not for long we reached at hospital.

Mom took a carrier ran inside, told the front it was emergency he couldn’t breathe. The front went to get a doctor and nurses. Mom took me in an emergency room. She put me on a hospital bed she told me “ Puddy you will make it. You are in a good hand now. Okay? ‘ 
My throat full with sticky phlegm. Mom took it out for me while everyone get an oxygen ready. They told mom to wait outside, and shut a glass door.

At the front of an emergency room. My mom did not blink. She stared a glass door with tears. She knew...even she didn't want to excepted it, A hard truth..

 ...then every shadow in an emergency room was stopped. No movements. It was 6.14 am. Saturday morning.

Door opened, the doctor gently told mom “ He stopped breathing, We did our best to saved his life. We used oxygen tubes to help him breathing. He is unable to breath by himself.. ‘ Silently my mom cried and told a doctor ‘ Let’s him go … πŸ’” It was really hard for mom but it is a time..

Mom reached me in an emergency room. She hold me and carried my wobbly body out. She gently told me “ Puddy, we are going home, my darling boy. You come home with me my baby boy “ Her tears are pouring it was hard to believe I was gone for real.

My leg was a mess because of my pee and a few crumbs stuck on my fur. I smelled not nice. Mom told me not to worry about it. When we were home, Mom bathed me, dried me, combed my fur, hugged me, kissed me last time.

Mom couldn’t bury me because it’s all concrete. My garden has a shallow ground. And One good reason …deep down in her heart, she always wants me close to her so it’s going to be cremation. Today is Thai king's mother birthday and it is mother day in Thailand. Not allowed funeral. We will do tomorrow. Mom doesn't mind. We have one more night together.

First photo of Puddy when he first came to my life. When I washed his body and dried him to be ready for his next journey. He left me one of his nail on a floor for me to keep. It's in a tiny container with blue lid.  ~ Boom, Puddy's mom

With an age of 14 years old Tuxedo kitty. I do my best, mom do her best, my VET and nurse did their best but it’s just a time for me to go… Sadly I couldn't make to my 15 years old birthday in this September.... I didn't yet use all my nine lives... It is a time my time ... to say goodbye 

Good bye mommy I love you very much

Good bye my friends I love you all
Thanks to be with me till now.
Mom and me are very appreciated all whole heart you gave me.
Lots of love

Puddy boy


  1. Oh my darling boy I am so very sad to lose you, and devastated for your mom. We will love you forever sweet boy. Absolutely for ever.

    Jan, Milo's and Alfie's mom.

  2. Dearest Puddy and Boom, I am heartbroken to read this. We all knew your time was near but it makes it no easier for your family and friends. Your Mommy loved you so much and did everything possible for you, even taking the greatest care after your last breath. You will always be remembered and loved.

  3. I, too, am heartbroken. Your mom did everything humanly possible to keep you with her, Puddy, to help you -- you could not have asked for a better human caretaker for your life. I'm so, so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with your mom through her grief. Peace and Blessings.

  4. Farewell, Angel Puddy
    We are so sad.
    Hugs for your mom from afar.

  5. Sweet Puddy, you were the best cat ever and you had the best mom ever. Your souls will always be together. Thank you for sharing your beautiful life and spirit with us. We'll miss you.

    Love & hugs & purrs from MomNora and all the Carolina Cats, here and at the Bridge.

  6. Yes, goodbye little one ~ carry our love and blessings with you on your journey. There is a time for everything under heaven ~ as you travel there know that we will care for your beloved Mommy who cared so much and so well for you. You are both in our hearts, forever.
    Ann and June

  7. Oh you sweet boy, we are sorry that you had to leave your wonderful mum, but no more hurts for you. Rest easy Mr Puddy. Thank you for sharing your wonderful life with us. Xxxx

  8. The tears are flowing her too. I hate that it was your time, more that you'll ever know Mr. Puddy. We all fell in love with you when we first met many years ago. You touched so many lives and that is a special gift. Love and hugs to your special Mom, she will always love you with all her heart.

  9. Puddy, you are one of the sweetest and handsomest Tuxies ever... Your mom, especially, and all of us will miss your sass and attitude. We wish you a safe journey.

  10. I will love you and your Mommy always Puddy. I will never ever forget you. Thank you Puddy for the joy and laughter you have brought me through the years. I will have tears all day remembering you. Boom, I am sending every bit of love and comfort I can possibly send, for I know you are heartbroken. I am too. I am here if you need me.

  11. Dearest Angel Puddy, we are so sorry and sad to hear that mew departed to the Rainbow RealmπŸŒˆπŸ’”πŸŒˆ We send oodles of soft purrs and gentle hugs to your Mom! Rest in Peace little dude πŸ’”πŸŒˆπŸ’”

  12. Oh Puddy, you have my mum with leaky eyes. Our Derby went away quickly too. Farewell dear furiend.

  13. Oh Puddy, I am in tears as I type this. I am so sorry to your mom. I love you and will never forget you sweet boy. XO

  14. Such sadness, such sadness. Yet what joy he brought his family and his friends. There was no one like Mr Puddy. Godspeed, Puddy.

  15. I was so very sorry to read about Mr. Puddy....Angel Madi and I always read your blog with smiles on our faces.
    Mr. Puddy will be missed but loved forever

    This is for you and how I remember him.
    Hugs Cecilia and Angel Madi

    P urrfect Tuxie MAN from head to toe
    U were loved to the moon and back
    D aringly adventurous
    D elightful commentary on your blog
    Y ou gave all who knew you reasons to SMILE

  16. Goodbye Mr Puddy, my heart hurts with yours in you loss of sweet Puddy. so sorry he could not stay with you. lots of hugs and POTP coming to you

  17. Oh Mr. Puddy we are crying so hard we can hardly see to type this. Fly free my friend. We know your mom did everything she could for you and gave you the most purr-felt life any kitty could imagine. We love you and will never forget you. Much love and hugs to your mom. πŸ˜ΏπŸ’”πŸ’”

  18. Tears are running down my face Sweet Puddy. It is hard to see to write.
    Just please know how much your Mama loves you and we- all your friends- love you too.
    I have read your posts for a lot of years. And you always make me smile. Now my heart hurts... for you... and for your Mom.
    You have had true love for us and we loved you back Sweet Puddy.

    Such a darling good boy you are...

  19. mr. puddy, we iz sad yoo iz gone but yoo kin live owt dee rest ov yoor livez in yoor mums dreemz, purrz to yoo an yoor mum

  20. Love and sympathy to your mom. Rest, sweet Puddy.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, Rufus the Red, and Ernie

  21. I am so sorry. We were hoping for many more happy years together. He was loved by so many people. Rest easy sweet boy.

  22. This has me in tears. He was clearly a precious treasure.

  23. The end of an era!!!
    Puddy, dear friend, you are our lovely friend. We all miss you forever.
    Angels Alemoa, AimΓ©e, Γ‰bano, Luan, Bartolomeu Will receive you to play ever and ever
    Love you and sending glots of love foi your Mom.
    Nelson, Sol, Chanel and Marilia
    Obs. Sorry my bad english... i am crying.

  24. Puddy, we are crying here, our hearts are heavy. We will miss you very much. Sending lots of comforting purrs and hugs and love to your mom. If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. ~Mom Sue and Ernie

  25. Oh Mr. Puddy, I've got tears in my eyes. We are so SAD. You had a good life. We will miss you very much. Thank you for all the blog posts and wonderful pictures you shared of your beautiful purry-furry life over the years. You are a brave kitty. Safe trip over the Rainbow Bridge. Sending heart hugs to your mom. Lots of love, Brenda xo

  26. We will never forget you sweet Puddy. We've always loved seeing you and we know your Mom loved you so much and we did too. We hope Raz was there to greet you as you crossed over the Bridge.

    Purrs and love to your Mom.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  27. Oh darling Puddy, You were one in a billion! Our Human is crying real tears for having to say goodbye. She will miss your kind and playful and sweet posts, but she is very grateful to have known you. You will have to watch over your mom from the Bridge, as we know she is going to be very sad for quite a long time. We love you Puddy, and we are glad you are with Spitty the Kitty and all the others across the Bridge, free from illness, and getting into all kinds of mischief. Much love and all the hugs to your mom.

  28. I was so sorry to read your sad,sad news.

  29. Puddy boy, I am so very sad to hear this terrible news...You are dearly loved by so many, sweetheart~an icon of the CB who will never be forgotten...Boom, my heart hurts so much for you, I know Puddy was your "heart and soul" kitty and your grief is tremendous...I hope when the time is right, you will open your heart to rescue another kitty, one that I'm certain Puddy will send to you because you are the best cat Mom he could have ever had...Big hugs and much love to you, dear Boom, wishing you comfort at this heartbreaking time of sorrow...XO...J, Sukki, Rio

  30. Mr Puddy and Mom you both tried so hard and fought so valiantly. We always admired your strength and determination. Now, we are so sad that things didn't go the way we all hoped they would. Tears flow today. Your unconditional love will always remain within our hearts. We will do our best Mr Puddy to always be here for your Mom. We love you both so very much. We always will.

  31. Oh Puddy my love. Life is just not fair. How dare they take you away from Mommy and us. We all love you so. Run free, breathe deep, feel the warm shin your beautiful face. Thank you for being you πŸ’”❤️

  32. Dearest Puddy, we are heartbroken that you were needed at the Bridge. We have always loved you and are so thankful for you and Mom's friendship all these years. Fly free, sweet friend. We will love and remember you forever and ever. We are sending love and purrs for Mom Boom at this terribly sad time and always. XO

  33. We are so sad to read this...but we know you knew and gave so much love ! And what a fight you put up for your Mama. Our beautiful tuxedo girl Sallie Cookie went out much the same way you did in the ER. We hope she will be one of the ones who meets you, but there will be so many friends there it will be a joyous reunion. And we know there will be many signs to let your Mama know you are still keeping watch over her...and once she gets through the first round of pain she will have so many good memories.

    We hope she will let us know how she is doing from time to time, so we can all remember you together.

  34. Puddy, we can't begin to tell you how much you have meant to us all these years. We have run out of tears. We will miss you so much! Only cat I know who could manage to make us laugh, make us proud to know you, and make us happy. Sending lots of love to the Bridge where you're now free from pain, and warm hugs to your mom whose life you brightened day after day, along with the rest of us. We have already begun to look back on all of your adventures. Miss you bunches and bunches, sweet boy.
    Tom, Bridget, Penny and mom Julie xoxoxoxoxoxo

  35. Oh Puddy my sweetheart and friend I am so sorry you had to leave us so soon. We have been friends for so many years I couldn't imagine this day. I know her heart has broken but your mum will be ok. We will all look after her for you I promise you.
    We will miss your gorgeous face, loving heart and the way you made everyone smile. Pebbles will be there to meet you and she may already be holding your paw. She will look after you until we all meet again.

    Purrs purrs purrs purrs πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

    Pebbles,Sue and Bella

  36. Our Best Purrs Of Comfort to you. Puddy's posts were always fun to read. His enjoyment of life was contagious. We will miss him so very much.

  37. I'm so, so sorry. This is just heartbreaking. Sending your mom many purrs and hugs...

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. We're so very sorry to learn of the loss of Mr. Puddy. We know it hurts to lose an animal friend.

  40. Run free, handsome Puddy. All your suffering is over. Comforting purrz to your mum. She loves (I refuse to use past tense) you so very much. We all do.

  41. Beyond upset to hear your sad news. Grieving and upset and I know your Mum is too.

    Puddy, I want to thank you for being a part of my life and the ife if Dash Kitten. Thank you for being a friend and being so supportive and kind to my photos on Facebook. I walk taller thanks to your kind words..

    You leave a big empty space in our hearts and the hearts of so many. We will miss you so much.

    Marjorie and Angel Dash Kitten

  42. TBT: Puddy's Mom - The Mews miss Puddy, but I don't think we said enough about about how much I will miss him too. It's not like you feel about his passing over the Bridge, but it is much. I've lost some cats over the years and it is never easy.

    I had general gave-awayed cats as rescues around most of my life. They came and went. I liked them. But the first cat I ever chose myself was in 1992 and I brought him (Skeeter) and a sister(LC) in 1993. They loved each other. And I loved them more than the previous ones.

    They were origin of my blog. Skeeter went OTB in 2008 and LC followed in 13 months later. I was devastated. I adored both. I lost Iza at 12 from a cancer, I adored her too.

    I'm saying this to express a sense of similiar loss. I know the sadness you feel. I dripped tears on the keyboard reading about Puddy's last day. It seldom ends easily.

    When Skeeter died at the Vet euthanized from kidney failure, it took me nearly an hour to drive 3 miles home. I had to keep pulling over in the car to cry and wipe tears from my eyes. Same with Iza many years later.

    There are tears streaming down on the keyboard here (all over again) for your loss of Puddy. I feel the loss too. He was a special cat! I loved every post. I loved his happy outlook on life. I loved that he lived in a place I didn't know much about. I loved everything about him.

    I wish you comfort , though I know that will be hard for a long time. You are in my thoughts...

  43. I am so sorry. Remember that you and your mom will always be connected because love is eternal. I believe you will be together again in the future. Sending lots of love, hugs, and purrs. <3

  44. Goodbye Mr Puddy. I'm thousands of kilometres away and my eyes are leaking. I'm so so sad to see you go.

    Thank you for all the fun, educational, fascinating and helpful blog posts over the years. It's been a hoot. You have been such an insightful and caring chap and made a huge difference not only to your mom's life but to the lives of all your readers.

    I will miss you very very much.


    Sydney, Australia

  45. What a handsome boy your Puddy was. We are so very sorry for your loss. Huge hugs♥

  46. Mr Poot , mum can hardly type for crying. She sends big hugs to your mom and understands how your mom is upset. You, my buddy, are free now and running with all those that have gone before. Just between you and me, i would ask that you keep a space for me on a comfy beddie near yours! I’ve been feeling a bit tired lately. But that’s between you and me, ok?

    You are a special pal, Buddy, and I miss you so much, already. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  47. Reading this with leaking eyes. Fly free, Mr. Puddy. We didn't know you but We can tell what a good boy you were, and how loved.
    Rest now, young and healthy again forever, safe in the paw of the Great Cat in the Sky.
    Purrs of condolence to your Mom.

  48. Puddy, I don't even have the words that convey enough about JUST HOW SAD I AM and how bad I feel for your Mom. Your Mom tried soooooooo hard!! I know you know she did and YOU tried so hard too Puddy! There is NO OTHER (and I don't think WILL EVER BE ANOTHER) kitty who made me laugh so hard in the other Tuxie kitty is as handsome as you. You were (and will ALWAYS BE) the ultimate mancat. Always so manly but a baby with your Mom. You will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart. I can't thank you and Mom enough for all of the laughs and even left this world making us laugh (just for a little bit) but then my tears started flowing. I prayed so hard that you would pull through just one more time!!! I know Cody met you at the Bridge wanting to finally meet you and play with you. Puddy I know you are an Angel now protecting your Mom.....I wish I could fly over and see her and give her a huge hug. Puddy.....there are no words that say enough just how much I will miss you and how I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU as will many, many others. ((((hugs))) to your precious Mama and to you Puddy Angel xoxo

  49. Mr. Puddy lives deeply in the hearts of those that knew and loved him. He was such a special boy and I will always cherish the smiles, laughs, and joy that he brought into the world with his incredible adventures. My love and prayers to you, too, Mom. You were so good to Puddy and he loved you so very much.

    Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  50. I am so sorry to learn of your loss of precious Puddy. No matter how long we have them, it is just never long enough.

  51. So sorry of the loss of your beloved Mr Puddy😿 Soft Pawkisses to comfort youπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž Fly free beautiful Soul✨

  52. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Mr Puddy.
    Fly free, and now you can chase all the butterflies in the endless catnip fields at the RB.

    I made a memento in Mr Puddy's honor. Its in our blog post, and you may snag it from there, as I don't have any other way to get it to you... Feel free to use it any way you wish.

    Sending love and hugs at this difficult time.
    ((((( ♥ )))))

    Here is the link to the post with the memento for you:

  53. Please mum if you want to email my mum at She understands your pain, as I went ahead of you to the bridge.


  54. Dear Puddy, mum and I are so sorry that you have crossed your Bridge.
    I am lucky that I got to know you a little bit. Mum and I send lots of love and comfort to your mum as she will feel lost without you. You will be greatly missed by all that loved you.
    Purrs, Julie and the mum

  55. Puddy, we are truly sorry. If it may help mom to know, we believe with all
    our hearts, that St Francis helped you to cross safely into heaven, where you
    will start your tenth life. we understand how heart broken mom is, and we know
    that you loved her with all your heart and soul, just as she loved you with
    all her heart and soul. we will not say goodbye, just, see you again one day.
    you will always be “ by mom’s side “, you will always be remembered.
    with hugs and love to you puddy, and your mom as well ❤️

    daisy, mackerull, and dude, boomer, tuna and sauce, and the girl laura

  56. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your adorable tuxedo kitty. Puddy looked like very sweet kitty. May time bring back all the happy memories you shared instead of the present sorrows. Sending gentle thoughts of comfort. πŸ’”
    Monika & Elsa 🐾
