Monday, September 7, 2020

Blackie & A Cool Lady

Blackie, he is a stray cat. He has been fed by my mom for 5 years now. These couple weeks he has been attacked by another stray cat. Causing him to suffer abscess. One cool human lady ( our human neighbor ) noticed his cheek was swelling. She tried to cure him. So they both ( The cool lady & mom ) got into the mission : Cleaned up his wound, drugged and fed him. Now his wound healed purrfect. So today, The cool lady & mom planned to give him basic vaccination. First step, mom has to trap him and then the cool lady will be the person to give him a jab.
While we are waiting for the cool lady to come, Me is in charge to talk to him as a VERY GOOD HOST

Time fly...
and my words are MAGIC !


Me & mom just met the cool lady, her name is " Katty " She is our human neighbor who loves loves cats so much. She has 8 cats. She is very kind. She often spends her times & money to look after the stray cats. She feed them, She cured them when they are sick, Trap-neuter-return, and even find them home. It's so good to meet a rare pawson with a true heart of gold.  She is super cool. Kudos to her.

PS : Katty's real job is a pilot who does Air Transport of Organs for Transplant. 


Mickey's Musings said...

How wonderful that your mum and Katty look after stray cats and give them medicine to protect them!
That stray kitty is luckt to have come to your place.
Don't worry Puddy, your mum loves you best!

Eastside Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, we LURV all feral/stray cat caretakers!
Fighting kitties get those icky abscesses, which is why after they've been unsexed, the hormones that cause the territorial fights start to ebb.
TNR is the way to go...yay!

Megan said...

Hullo there Puddy - long time no see. I miss ya!

It's understandable that you'd be wary of a new cat stealing your treats. But you've got a good life and I'm sure that you can spare a couple of tidbits for a homeless chappie.

It was lovely of your mum and her neighbour to help him get better.

Sydney, Australia

Crafting Queen said...

What wonderful ladies. You were a good host Mr Puddy. Have a good day.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thank you to your mum and Katty for taking such good care of the stray cats in your neighborhood.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so glad the little guy got an upgrade! Three cheers for your Mom and for Kathy!

Tama and Genji

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's wonderful you have a kind and caring neighbor and we're glad that sweet one is all better now.

My Mind's Eye said...

Katty is your resident angel....give her a hug from me.
Thank goodness Black was a 'stray' at your home and your sweet Mom kept him fed and noticed he had a wound


MrPuddy that is wonderful your Mom and Katty look after your friend!

CATachresis said...

Mr Poot you are so funny!! But Mrs Katty is furry kind to the paw some kitties!! ❤️❤️❤️

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your mom and neighbour Katty are very good to look after Blackie. Be nice to him, Mr.Puddy. Remember all those years ago when you were everyday visitor and now what a wonderful home you have.

Photo Cache said...

Mr. Puddy first of all, nice to see you again. What wonderful human Miss Katty is. A perfect purrtner for your momma in taking care of kitties.

Emma and Buster

catladymac said...

Mr Puddy itis good to see you again. We don't think you need to worry - that other kitty will not get your treats - your Mama loves you to o much to ever do that, she just wants to help all kitties like Miss Kathy does. Purrayers and Power of the Paw to all of you !

pilch92 said...

How kind of your mom and her friend to help this kitty. Maybe he could be your brother. XO

The Island Cats said...

How nice that your mom and Katty helped Blackie.

Summer said...

Your neighbor is awesome! I'm so glad she and your human helped Blackie.

Gattina said...

How nice of your mum and the lady to take care of these poor cats ! If I remember well you slowly moved into your mom's house because apparently you belonged to nobody, right ? And then you moved away !
Meanwhile the 3 siblings of Rosie went all over the rainbow bridge, but they all were nearly 20 years old ! Now Rosie is a single child and an inside cat, because we moved too, but only into an apartment.

Ramblingon said...

I am so happy, really and truly that your mom and neighbor helped that homeless kitty get better. And Mr Puddy, as always, you are just dazzlingly handsome. You make my Tuxie heart beat faster. XXX

da tabbies o trout towne said...

puddy, may your mom and the cool lady be blessed for helping stray kitty; they both are totally awesome ♥♥♥♥♥

Timmy Tomcat said...

Puddy Mom and Katty really did a nice thing and I have a feeling you will be getting extra treats for being a good boy

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

People like your mom and Katty are angels on earth!

Tamago said...

Katty and your mom are both super cool ladies! Thank you for helping Blackie. Glad he is upgraded successfully :-)

meowmeowmans said...

Mr. Puddy, your mom and Miss Katty are awesome human beings. We love that they helped Blackie out so much. XO

Maria Appleby said...

What a nice blog, Puddy! Katty sounds wonderful.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Hard to find better Moms than both those!

The Florida Furkids said...

That was really nice of your Mom and Katty to take care of the kitty.

Thank you for your kind words about Allie. We miss her so much.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Gigi said...

Hello Mr. Puddy! So good to see you, and what a wonderful story about Blackie. Your Mom and the Cool Lady are very good Humans. ~ Your friend Spitty

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Wow, Puddy, what a lucky stray kitty to have found your mom and the kind lady named Katty!! Looks like you have a friend, too. I know you don't really mind sharing your treats for a friendly purr or two. We love seeing you and thank you for visiting me on my Gotcha Day!!!
Purr, purr..
Tom, Bridget and Penny xoxoxo

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

This is such a heartwarming story, Mr. Puddy. How nice to have such lovely neighbour - she has a good heart.

Be safe, Mr. Puddyy.

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