Thursday, August 3, 2017

Surprise ! ?

It happens so fast ! Mom said daddy is going to get the food for me.. then she suddenly grabbed me, put me in the carrier. Daddy drove off.

10 min. later, I'm here ! At the VET !

After they weighs me ( 8 kg. or 17.6 Ibs ), They did wicked procedure ! All of them want to touch my butt ! SICK! the worst ? Daddy helped them to hold me. ( the nurse checked Puddy's body temperature )

I was the only cat there so I scream =^x^=

Then the VET gave me 2 jabs of annual vaccinations. One is F3 ( Feline herpes virus, Feline Calicivirus and feline Panleukopaenia ) and Rabies ( I never have this one when I lived in Australia but it's a MUST here in hot humid country )

It wasn't so bad. It was quick. When I was in Australia, I have to do FIV vaccination too which I can do it next month. For now I am heading for nap. Have a good day everyone !

PS : I am purrfect healthy =^x^=


Note : In Thailand, The most important annual vaccination is Rabies. Local Thai cat will have Rabbies and Feline Panleucopenia. Others are optional.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Phew! That was quite an outing for you, Puddy! We hope you got some special treats when you got home! And we are glad you are in great shape!

The Chans

CATachresis said...

Oh Mr Poot, your bravery in the face of adversity is medal worthy!!! Show em your hiney!!! MOL. Well done, I award you the Austin Towers award for extreme bravery in the face of enemy fire!! ;-)

Crafting Queen said...

Poor Mr Puddy. At least you are some safe to make friends. well done to your Mom for the photos! :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy bless your little handsome man heart.
You were tricked and I know the feeling as that has happened to me too.
Thank goodness you are healthy and OMCs you are a big guy at 17.6 lb.
Your dad did good hanging on to you too.
We live in a hot humid climate too so we know all about the rabies vaccine.
Even though I am a house cat, I'm given a smaller dose every year, too.
Hugs Madison D Crotchety Cougar Cat.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That was a bad surprize! But we are glad you came out healthy...

Megan said...

Puddy - a dreadful experience. But very pleasing to hear that you're through it for another year, that you're healthy and ... no one mentioned the 'D(iet)' word. Well done.

Sydney, Australia

Fuzzy Tales said...

Yikes! You've had to go to the vet too much lately, Mr Puddy! We're glad the trips are over, at least till your next vaccine.

Eastside Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you are a BIG mancat! Of course it took several humans to hold you when they did rude things to you!

Marg said...

Poor Mr. Puddy. Glad you got out of there without a whole lot of trouble. No fun doing that darn vet run. Now you will be all healthy. Take care.

Becca said...


wildcatwoods said...

Hope you recover from all the jabs!

John Bellen said...

Yow, what an unpleasant surprise! I don't blame you for screaming, Mr Puddy. But it's over now, and you can relax. I hope you received some treats when you returned home.

Ivan from WMD said...

We are required to get annual shots here too, Puddy, so we sympathize!

Photo Cache said...

We are done with ours a couple of months ago. It's something we have to do each year so we just endure the visit then take a long nap, just like what you are doing.

Emma and Buster

Johnny said...

AWw little one! Vet visits are so important though!

Summer said...

At least you had a good checkup! Here in the U.S., rabies is also a very important vaccine. I need to have it to be a therapy cat. That way if the unthinkable happened, and I were to bite someone, they have the vaccine on record.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! I thought they were exercising your anal glands. I heard that was painful.

Dma said...

well that wasn't very nice of them.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am sur gald that ordeal is over and you are healthy Mr. Puddy!

Katie Isabella said...

OH Mr PUDDY! What you went through. Thank Cod it is all over for the year! I have been sneaked up on like that too. It's a rotten shame when our moms and dads trick us.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy!! Sooo glad you are healthy and well! Yep, we HAVE to have rabies shots here too but I think that is the only one I have to have anymore! (Dakota has to have more than me).....isn't it awful when our pawrents trick us with food to take us to the Vet? Glad all is well though! Love you Puddy! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

catladymac said...

Well THAT'S done - and you checked out perfectly ! Naptime ! Purrs !

da tabbies o trout towne said...

puddy for shame that your peoples tricked you; you must get revenge or make them buy you a new cat tree; glad your check up was quick and you
are healthy ~ ♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you are healthy Mr Puddy, even though your parents tricked you.

pilch92 said...

I am glad you are healthy Mr. Puddy. XO

The Island Cats said...

Don't you hate it when your humans bamboozle you and put you in the PTU and take you to the vet??? But we're glad you're okay, Mr. Puddy.

Mariodacat said...

Oh puddly, no buddy of mine should.d yhhave to go thsru all thT. Tell your pawewntts to xbeck wwitbh us first because wee. Coujld ghave savedallthe drama and prounounced you healthy

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Hoomins try to be so sneaky..... We're glad everything is ok.

Tamago said...

Oh gosh, Mr. Puddy, I'm sorry for your ordeal! Glad it was just for annual vaccines and checkup. And good news you are in purrfect health :-) Enjoy your nice long nap!

meowmeowmans said...

What a rotten surprise, Puddy! We are glad it was not such a bad visit, and especially that you are healthy. Hugs to you, handsome boy!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Poor Mr. Puddy! Can you ever trust your pawrents again? But we are very happy to hear you are nice and healthy!

Fireblossom said...

Puddy, your pawrents just love you so much that they want you to be healthy and be with them fur-ever and ever!

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