Saturday, February 4, 2017

A Cone of Shame, Again !

How did I end up with this ?

4 Days ago I just got cut. I couldn't tell mom how ? Anyway she did clean up for me and aimed to take me to the VET right away but daddy thought we should keep calm and we will see on next few days.

Day 3, As you can see my paw look fabulous so we think everything is fine till... day 4 late afternoon, mom and me have a good time together.

And then mom smelt something BADDD next to her ! 
Yeah... It was my wound. That's how I ended up at The VET..
and a funny paw..

and a cone..
and... new style

The Vet told us I cracked my dew claw. Nothing major, I only need to take medicine & proper clean for 3 days. It's going to be done by the VET because it's only 5 minutes human walk from home. I will be O.K., just Ouch!

PS : sorry for Blurry on some random parts of the video, mom was laughing


kelley said...

oh no this what happens when they leave you alone!? you look quite adorable in your cone...not to worry you'll be fine in no time...all the love and purrs in the world heading your way from all your fans...

John Bellen said...

Geez, Mr Puddy, how did you manage that? That sounds like a freak accident - but the cone must go on, for your own good.

Megan said...

Oh dear Puddy. But you've certainly got style. I think once that cone comes off, you should ask your mom to take you to dancing lessons - you're a natural.

Sydney, Australia

The Island Cats said...

Oh poor Puddy! We hope you lose the cone soon.

Dma said...

Get well soon Mr. Puddy.


Feel better Mr Puddy!

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh no! We are sorry this happened - and we get it, you want to keep your manly rep so you aren't telling HOW - but very glad it's minor.

JudyMae said...

Oh my cat! Puddy I hope you heal quickly and don't have to wear that cone very long. You do have style. ;)

Cathy Keisha said...

Sending healing purrz to you, Puddy. TW is always scared something like that will happen to me cos my dew claw gets stuck on my scratching post.

Becca said...

You is high stepping now Puddy!
Ps- I laughed too, but only to keep mom company.
Florida hugs

Barbara said...

Oh no! Hope the paw is better soon xx

meowmeowmans said...

Puddy, we are so sorry you cracked your dew claw, and that you have to wear the cone of shame. But we are glad that you will be all better soon. We think your new walking style is COOL. :)

Hugs, purrs and prayers!

Marvelous Marv said...

Poor Mr Puddy! That is painful! Mes sends yous MANY kisses
Loves yous
Your Nellie Bellie

The Florida Furkids said...

Yikes....we hope you are better soon...that cone looks annoying.

The Florida Furkids

Summer said...

Mr. Puddy, your video made me MOL too! I hope your dewclaw heals fast - BTW, I know somebody who calls it the "cone of courage!" Don't you think that's a better name?

Eastside Cats said...

Let me tell you something, Me. simply ROCK that cone! It's more of a fashion statement on you, not shameful at all! Play nice with the vet person, and feel better soon!

CATachresis said...

Oh Mr Poot!! You look like you're dancing in the video with the music and cone etc! Made me an mum laugh, but I feel for you buddy, so hope it heals quick xxx

Marg said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, we are so sorry. We love your stylish walk. That is some mighty fine high stepping. Hope you are all better now. Take care.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Yikes! You do know how to get into trouble, don't you? :-)

Lots of healing purrs and purrayers from us!!!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Puddy, that video has us all laughing so hard!! Just when we thought you couldn't get any cuter, you just did.

The cone can make any cat feel weird, we know!
Glad your mom is taking good care of you and you're on the mend..Purrs!!!!

Tinker, Anastasia, Chopin and Bridgie

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Poor Baby! We hpe you are on the mend and don't need the cone for long

We 😻 love you!

Katie Isabella said...

Sweet handsome Puddy, did you get your claw hung up into something while you were outside? Poor Puddy. You will be fine soon. Smoochies to you. (always).

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh you poor little mancat! How awful for you! Love your new walk. You can call it The Mr. Puddy Shuffle. MOL! Get well soon!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOLMOLMOL Mr. Puddy we are laughing at your great timing to keep up with the music as you walk....who knew you had rhythm? We are sorry about your sweet paw but glad it is healing
Hugs madi your bfff

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am glad it wasn't something more serious Mr. Puddy and we hope the healing up happens super soon.

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes! We're sending purrs for you to heal up soon!

Photo Cache said...

Oh noes Mr. Puddy you have an ouchie and that atrocious looking cone of shame. Take care and hope you'll heal up soon.

Emma and Buster

The Swiss Cats said...

Oh no, not the Cone of Shame ! We're sorry for your boo-boo, and wish you a quick recovery. Purrs

Crafting Queen said...

Get well soon.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Puddy!!! We feel so bad for you!!! Shame on Mama for laughing at you and making a video to boot!!! Poor Puddy!!!! Hoping you get that darned thing off soon! Love you! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Saku said...

Poor Puddy, we're sorry you got hurt.

We're not happy with her but the mom bean laffed at the video....a lot!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

catladymac said...

Hope your paw heals up soon, Mr P !

The Cat Guy said...

Oh no! Heal quick my friend.

Annie Bear said...

I'm sorry, Mr. Puddy! Thankfully, it's just for a few days. I hope you mend perfectly & quickly!

pilch92 said...

I hope you heal quickly. You look very cute walking with your cone.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are SO glad the wound is just temporary, Puddy! But we wanted to mention that an inflatable collar meant for dogs works great and is a LOT easier for eating dinner and stuff. Ayla and I both had that when spayed. ~ IZA

Tamago said...

Ouchy. I'm sorry, Mr Puddy, that you cracked your claw and have to wear the cone! But glad it's not a major injury. Get well soon, sweetheart!

LP said...

You do have style when you walk your stylish new walk Puddy! And (whispers) you made our Mama laugh out loud when she saw you walking :D But she was laughing WITH you not AT you!! Heeheehee. Get better soon sweetie :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Gattina said...

Poor Puddy wearing this awful thing ! I think Arthur would get crazy ! So far none of my cats ever needed it !

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh noes! Poor paw.
Sorry, but we giggles at your video ;)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Awww, Puddy, you poor thing! We hope your paw is better soon.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're sorry about the cone of shame, Puddy, but we just LOVE the video!!!

The Chans

da tabbies o trout towne said...

puddy....dood....we are sorry you have to wear the shame cone; we are also sorry your paw hurts....make mom carry you everywhere; that will speed up the healing process ~~ oh, and please tell her; a halibut that waz cooked bad; and stuck in the heat vent just coz for 18 that's a bad smell ~~~~~ :) ♥♥♥

Ann Boyajian said...

Poor Puddy! WE HATES the cone of shame. But your dance video made our mom laugh!

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