Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Neighbours

Since I have been here, As you know... Me is not a fan of down stair at all, Especially... Day time! ... Me do believe, there is the monster out there but my pawrents would love me to get use to....So they throw take me outside ( still inside my fence )

And one day, I smell something different !

I got a kitty neighbour !

Mom said she is a mommy cat who is a stray. She lives in the warehouse next door with her cubs. Mom always tells me to finish my bowl. It's many kitties out there who is staving.

The mommy cat has been fed sometime by my mom but she is a bit strange kitty. She hisses to my mom every times mom feeds her. Me guess she just doesn't know how to meow =^x^=

to be continue


Becca said...

Maybe she will stop hissing if you share your prawns??

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Wow Mr. Puddy. Hope they will be new friends!

Summer said...

Poor little family - it is probably tough for them out there.

sandy l said...

Please thank your mom for giving the mom cat some food. It can be a rough world out there.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, Puddy. That poor Momma cat and her babies are lucky you, Mom and Dad moved in. Thank your Mom for us, for feeding them.


Mickey's Musings said...

That is a mighty cute family.
We purr you do not mind sharing your food.
Outdoor kitties have a hard life.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Megan said...

Oh dear, Mr P. It's hard to know what the right thing to do is. If your mom feeds all these new friends, they might invite their friends over and before you know it, there might be 30 kitties in your yard.

Sydney, Australia

Marg said...

Oh we are so glad the Mom is feeding those stray cats. Those kittens probably need food really badly. I bet the Mom stops hissing soon when she figures out that your Mom is a great person too bring her food. Keep your eye on them Mr. Puddy.

Tamago said...

Your mom is so kind to feed those stray kitties. It must be tough for them to be living outside especially in hot, humid place.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're thankful your mom is feeding her, and others too. But it's sad to see them just the same. Purrs to them all.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank goodness your Mom is feeding the kittens' Mom. We imagine she must be extremely hungry with having her kittens to supply the milk to. The bottom picture on this post reminds us of the cat the Poupounette look after in their garden.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Puddy, you and your mom are making life a little better for them there.

Crafting Queen said...

You neighbours are not as lucky as you Mr Puddy. Hope they become friendly.

Ivan from WMD said...

Poor mom cat and babies. :-( We're glad your mom feeds her. :-)

Cathy Keisha said...

For some reason she reminds me of Daisy the Curly Cat. If she met you, I'm sure she'd figure that your Mom was OK. I hope all will be able to be trapped so there won't be anymore babies.

Eastside Cats said...

Mr. Puddy has a girlfriend! Something tells me that your Mom is gonna try to do good things for that kitty and her babes.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have a very good mom to look after that kitty and her babies. I hope they become friendly.

Annie Bear said...

Hi Mr. Puddy, it's so nice of your mom to feed the mamma and her babies. The mamma looks so young! It's so sad about them.

Alasandra said...

Glad your Mom is feeding the Mom cat, we hope they will do TNR and the Mom cats can live there safely-ATCAD

Alasandra said...

Glad your Mom is feeding the Mom cat, we hope they will do TNR and the Mom cats can live there safely-ATCAD

Dma said...

when i was a little boy and didn't want to finish a meal my mom would remind of all the starving children in china. now that i'm having a hard time getting thompson and diego-san to finish their meals i can tell them there are starving kitties in thailand...

Brian's Home Blog said...

uThey look pretty nice Mr. Puddy, they are just not used to seeing you yet.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It is very nice of your Mommy to feed the stray Mommy cat. They have a very tough life, Puddy, not like us spoiled kitties.

The Chans

pilch92 said...

Those poor kitties, I wish they could all be as lucky as you Mr. Puddy.

Fireblossom said...

Puddy, that top picture of you is absolutely priceless!

The Island Cats said...

We're glad your mom is feeding that kitty despite the fact that she hisses at your mom. Maybe she'll become more friendly as time goes on.

Saku said...

It is furry nice that your mom bean is feeding those feral kitties. We think you might want to stay away from her though.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Marvelous Marv said...

Your Mom is so nice to the feral Mommy cat! And Puddy...yous likes the Mini You my Mommy made? Yous can win a YOU!
Wes has a contest on my blog! Yous should comes and enter!
Kisses for yous and your Mommy

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Aw, momma cat is a Snowshoe! She's skinny and needs lots of food and probably a dewormer. Oh and a black kitten, breaks my heart. At least your mom is helping xoxoo

Jacqueline said...

So good of your Mom to try to care for this lovely girl and her babies=life is tough for ferals...We hope you can become their friend soon too, handsome Puddy=we bet she would appreciate a sweet, loving, fun mancat like you to pal around with!...Happy day, precious friend...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Uh oh!! Do you think that SMUDGE sent this kitty???!!!!!! This is gonna be FUN!!!!!!!

LP said...

The Mama Cat is probably scared, hungry and protective of her kitties Puddy and that is why she hisses. She doesn't get to be spoiled rotten like us kitties do. We are thankful that your Mama is feeding her :) She is a beautiful cat.

the critters in the cottage xo

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr. Puddy please forgive us we forgot to add


Well you are making new friends Mr Puddy. That is terrific!!!!

Deb Barnes said...

We are sure with some patience, your new neighbor will be your friend soon, or at least stop hissing... Happy Sunday from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!

Pretinha said...

Oh Puddy ela é uma menina bonita, espero que a tua mamãe consiga
conquistar a confiança dela.

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