Friday, July 1, 2016

Fixing the house - PART I

Did I ever tell you ? ... As much as we live in Bangkok house, we found so much troubles because the ex-foreman ( no.# 2 ), they used the crap materials and did the bad bad finished. The bad jobs involved with safety issues and cost too much to run the house for the long terms so my pawrent end up spending lots of money to fix it . Me feel sorry for them because it's a new house. That's why we didn't do much blogging as much as we want to.

First fixing job is Sparky jobs. They have to remove all crap electrical wires out ( 350 Watt ) and put the new wires in ( 750 watt ), Re-organising all wires and re locate some power control. Their job took a week... and every morning before they come, mom will clear the space for them so they can easily load their working gears in and out.

Mom will make sure I have a camp to do hide nap but one morning she got panic because she couldn't find me ! and all of a sudden.... 

Once mom sees where I am, she is starting to laugh her head off.

Nothing to worry, mom ! Kitty knows well how to deal with da situation.

It's Gooood to be a cat !


Happy Friday !



Summer said...

I actually think that is a cool cat tunnel, Mr. Puddy!

Crafting Queen said...

Looks like a great place to hide Mr Puddy. Sorry that your parents have all this trouble with the house. Have a good weekend.

Marg said...

That is one great place to hide Puddy. Well done. Hope the house gets all fixed up. What a shame that it is in such bad shape.

Becca said...

Undercover reno kitty!!

Fireblossom said...

LMAO @ undercover boss!

kelley said...

only you Mr Puddy can make a bad situation better! you find the best spot to sorry about the time and money your parents are spending to fix a new least they have you to keep them you always and forever...

Fr. Tom Fish said...

It's good to be a cat, but extra special to be you, Puddy! ~ Tinker, Anastasia, Chopin, Bridgie and mom Julie. xx

Eastside Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you look so cute tucked into that carpet roll! Bummer about all the house repairs, but once it's all done, you'll be in a safer place.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr. Puddy we don't blame you for hiding with all that noise going on. We love your new title of "Undercover Boss"!!

Photo Cache said...

Maybe the end of that tunnel you are in Puddy is Chiang Mai!

Emma and Buster


Oh Mr Puddy we are so sorry for the mess up but we had to laugh too at your ingenuity!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

You're under cover... UNDER cover. That's so funny! I'm still laughin' my head off!!! Just like your mum. Bet she was super relieved to find you though. PURRS


The Cat Guy said...

you da boss Puddy! Good to see you again!

Dma said...

that indeed is the perfect spot to be.

LP said...

Puddy, we bet you could flip that carpet for a very good price! ;p Too bad about needing to do house repairs on a new house! But in the end it will be safe and efficient which is good:)

the critters in the cottage xo

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

That's so stressful, dearest Puddy but it had to be done xoxoxo

Pretinha said...

Puddy você é um gatinho muito esperto, esse é um ótimo esconderijo! hihi

Deziz World said...

Oh Puddy we's so sorry this has happened to ya'll. We's sendin' lots of purrayers it all gets done quickly and right this time. And you look pawsumly handsum snoopervisin'.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Great place to hide! Noise is soooo bad!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a good place to hide Mr Puddy. I am sorry your family is having to redo so many things.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

wonderful undercover snoopervising office

Anonymous said...

oh Puddy and Puddy's parents,
I am so sorry you are continuing to have to do more expensive work on your new home. But when it is all done you will know everything is working well and safely which will be wonderful.

Puddy, you are a little stinker for hiding out - but very smart for finding such a good place! It made me laugh just like your mom.

You look very handsome in your Boss photos.

Marvelous Marv said...

Puddy!!! Yous is the best undercover boss! Is yous needs a place to hide, yous can comes and visits mes!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

You are quite resilient my dear furiend!! I am proud of you! Tell Mom we feel AWFUL that she had to put up with all of that crap!!!! That's too much stress! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

pilch92 said...

That is a great hiding place. I am glad they are getting the electric fixed- you don't want a fire.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! That all sounds scary. Glad you found a safe place to hide.

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy, you are so smart to think of hiding there for your undercover work. No one would ever see you for sure! It's too bad your pawrents have to go through all the extra expense to have something fixed that should have been done right to begin with.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Puddy, you're funny. But it's sure not funny your pawrents are having to spend so much money on work that should have been done properly.

meowmeowmans said...

That's one long cat tunnel, Puddy! We bet you could teleport all the way here through it!

Sorry your Mom and Dad have to spend so much time and money to fix the crap job that foreman did. That is not cool. :(

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh no I am so sorry you are all having to deal with poor workmanship in a new home
Hugs madi your bfff

Ivan from WMD said...

Undercover boss! We love it!

Sorry your parents are having such problems. They sure don't build things like they used to!

Saku said...

Mr. Puddy, you are a furry smart kitty! That's a great hiding spot.

Good luck to your beans with all the work that needs to be done.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Tamago said...

LOL! You found a very long tunnel to play :-)
I'm sorry your pawrents have to fix many things because bad people didn't do the job.

Cats of wildcat woods said...

Great hidy place Puddy. Hope the house is fixed up soon. Thanks for stopping by to check on our Sweetpea

Ingrid said...

I only noticed now, that you have moved to Bangkok ! That's rather far away from your former home. Apparently you have already found the best hiding places ! I once discovered Arthur in the dishwasher !!

Anonymous said...

That's a great hiding place, Mr. Puddy!

Kea said...

That's a good spot to hide...or snoopervise...Mr. Puddy. And the way some workers are, well, they NEED snoopervision!

Ann Boyajian said...

Glad you found a good hiding spot! Wilbur's favorite spot is up the chimney! We are sorry that your pawrents have to deal with fixing things in a NEW house!!

Three Chatty Cats said...

Oh no, that sounds like a lot of work! At least you got a cool hidey spot out of it.

Megan said...

Best wishes to your mom and dad while they set about getting everything in the house fixed. A very disappointing situation. I hope you help cheer them up by purring on them lots and giving them lots of kisses.

Sydney, Australia

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