Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Remedies for kitty cold

As you can see ...
My nose is improving πŸ’• ..95% I feel so much better πŸ˜Έ

Me as a handsome guinea pig would love to share..
Home Remedy for Kitty Cold to be your option to cure.

My mom would love to share her experiences with your pawrents as well.
Of course, she is not a VET, and not qualified any medications.


Note : You can skip reading if you are not on it, 
Mom wants a record because of forgetful... lol 😹


Pick up on conversation when I first see my VET at an Animal Hospital : March 9, 2023

" Actually, I am not agrees to offer an antibiotic for a sick pet. " ~ My first doctor said to my mom
" and why you give it to them ? " My mom is curious
" It's because they asked for it. Most people wants an instant results for their pet, they want to see a quick improvement. The truth is.. many of them are resistant to treatment with antibiotics. We have to keep changing a type of antibiotic, but it becomes harder to cure. ' ~ My first doctor explained

3 days later my nose was bleeding ( see first picture ) it's not because an antibiotic but a pill to stop my running nose ( Cetirizine: Quitex ), but I have a chronic cold so mom decided to stop all my medication. A pick up on conversation made her tried to find out more about my medication. then she found some articles said..

"Not every cat needs antibiotics,
and we're starting to see cats with antibiotic-resistant infections.
But if clinical signs recur or worsen " 
~ News release prepared by: Erinn Barcomb-Peterson : Kansas State University 
Mom thought this is what happened to me. An antibiotics cause me a prolong cold. Mom found a way to fix it, Probiotic is my cure. Natural probiotic for cats is yogurt and pumpkin. Roast pumpkin is my favorite food but it's mushy. Since I have a runny nose & wet cough. I don't touch mushy & jelly food. I only eat dried food to avoid irritation in throat ( phlegm ). And pumpkin is too thick to insert into syringe so mom gives me yogurt to fix my gut, fix my PH.

Yogurt for kitty πŸΎπŸΎ

Warning :
make sure the yogurt doesn't contain any sugar substitutes like xylitol, because this can be toxic to cats. Plain Yogurt only

Portion & How often : Don't feed your cat more than three tablespoons per week.

Puddy weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb ) : I am a big boy. Mom thinks my body is high-sensitivity so she only gives 0. 5 cc. of yogurt a day. And she only give me every 2-3 days.


Without VET medication, How my mom can fix me ?
I was weak, I have lots of runny nose, cough, unable to eat by myself, hardly sleep
plus super stressful.


What mom learns in her old age. Most of her sickness come from weak immune system ( eating sh*t food, lack of some nutritious, lack of sleep and due to stressful ), inflammation & bad bugs.

How she cares herself, she will do the same to me.
so sicky Puddy cat will need..

1 ) Good nutritious food to help my body fight bad stuffs ( Syringe Feeding )
2 ) Somethings to reduce inflammation so my nose can stop bleeding & healing
3 ) Somethings to kill all bad guys inside my furry body ( bacteria, virus, fungal, parasites, whatever it is ... we want to kill it all ! Massacre !!!!  )
4 ) Some good sleep ( Mom must not wake me up to eat on time, I am a sick kitty for COD SAKE ! I need more napping )
5 ) Drink lots of water ( I'm brilliant at drinking )
6 ) Do not stress me MORE ! ( mom must not force me to eat too quick, too much. she have to remind herself I need time to swallow ( Syringe feeding ), Do not try to unblocked my nose too often )
7 ) Love me πŸ’—πŸ’– ( Hug me, pet me, brushing me, tell me she loves me as usual. Mom notices once I purrs, I actually breath normal and feel comfort )

Reduce inflammation for kitty πŸΎπŸΎ

How can we stop a bleeding nose ? I need something reduce inflammation. So Krill Oil is my purrfect choice. Mom offered me Krill Oil and Fish Oil, Me picked Krill Oil ( a relative of prawns you know ?  🍀 😻)

Krill oil for kitty πŸΎπŸΎ

Puddy weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb ) :  Mom give me 500 mg ( from a capsule ) mixed with my favorite mushy treats. I actually eat it all.

Massacre all bad bugs in my guts 🐾🐾

To my sickness, I need somethings to kill bad bugs inside my fury body, so Turmeric is my winner !  Anti-Oxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fungal, Anti-cancer effects.

Turmeric for kitty πŸΎπŸΎ

Portion & How often :  ¼ teaspoon for cats or small breeds, daily.

Puddy weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb ) :  I am a big boy. Mom thinks my body is high-sensitivity so she only gives very tiny amounts ( less than quantity for small kitty ). Mom gives me turmeric everyday. ( Breakfast & Dinner ). Turmeric is not normal food for kitty. To be safe she mix turmeric with oat and my favorite treat. I love Oat though. This magic powder really makes me get better... It's Obvious πŸ’–

Now I get better, mom reduces turmeric to be once a day.

Vitamin C for kitty πŸΎπŸΎ

Some says kitties and woffies can produce our own vitamin C. but we think I do need it. Blueberry, is my mom's choice because she has them for her smoothie and it works for her cold. It is safe for cats. It's highly anti-oxidant and vitamins ( including C ). So it may help me stop a runny nose.

Blueberry for kitty πŸΎπŸΎ

Warning : We kitties are Carnivore, remember ? Keep it as a treat. Keep in mind is sugar content. * Not safe for kitties who has kidney disease, allergic, diabetes *

Recommended Portion & How often : Two to three blueberries are an appropriate amount. One or two times a week, max.

Puddy weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb ) : I am a big boy. Mom thinks my body is high-sensitivity so she only gives me 1 blueberry (only juice). Sometime she mixed it with tiny amount of Manuka honey. Syringe feeding me about 0.5 cc. two times a week, max.

Stay hydrated  🐾🐾  Drink a lots of water

My blood results showing I was dehydrated plus I have a cold. Everyone know water is good for us. I do well with drinking a lot of water. Mom placed a glass of water in several spots and put on different high so I can manage myself to drink when mommy goes to work or sleep. For occasional she will give me Coconut Water as well. She know I love coconut water so when a local fruit truck comes, she will buy for us ( we share 😊😽 )

Coconut Water πŸΎπŸΎ
Coconut water is safe for kitties, is a natural source of electrolytes and potassium, which can help kitties stay hydrated. It's a good alternative to plain water for cats with kidney disease or undergoing dialysis treatment. And it's anti-oxidant.

Warning : Keep in mind coconut water is high sugar content, large amount of phosphorus * Not safe for kitties who has allergic, diabetes. It could getting a risk of hyperphosphatemia

Puddy weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb ) : Mom only give me one cc. a day. Once in a blue moon.

Home Remedy for kitty cold 


*Please keep in mind my home remedy for kitty cold
don't have any professional approved *

*It could be dangerous for some kitties,
Ask your VET or learn more before you are using it *

*Please be very careful about portions & how often to use *

And be super careful with your own conditions !

NOTE : I'm Puddy cat. My weight is 7-8 kg. to use this portions. Mom uses minimum portions for me even I am a big guy due to drug sensitivity. To be safe & sound.

PS : Lysine, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Calendula did nothing to my cold. 


  1. Purrs you are feeling well Puddy!!
    Purrs, Julie

  2. That is a very, very useful post. Please thank your Mum for sharing all these great ideas with us. We all love yoghurt (plain only).

    The Chans

  3. puddy we are buzzed happy you are 95% better and now reach for a goal of 100% better. more
    st francis’ blessings to you and no stress for your mom ❤️🐟

  4. Good advice, Mr Puddy. This is something to save.

  5. yWe are so happy that you are doing so much better, Mr. Puddy! And your mom did a really great job of keeping track of how she is helping you. XO

  6. Nicely done, Puddy's Mum!
    We are purring so Puddy stays as healthy has possible.

  7. Lots of good advice. Your Mom loves you a lot.

  8. I am glad you are so much better, Mr.Puddy. Your mum worked out a very good regime for you and it should help others.

  9. Excellent post. I am so glad your mommy researched and found things that will help you without antibiotics. I take Turmeric too. :) XO

  10. I am so glad that is working for you Mr. Puddy and your Mom is very wise to figure all of that out.

  11. Healing purrz for 100%. I told TW to bookmark this.

  12. So glad you are doing so much better. Well done to your Mummy for all her hard work. Sending purrs Patch, Flower and Archer. xxx
