Friday, April 14, 2023

My Booster

Without my nutrients & nutrition, It's impawsible I could get better.
That's why me would love πŸ’•to share with you guys.

if you, kitties do have other boosters to share with me & our furry friends,
Please feel free to make a comments, Thanks

'Egg is providing energy, antioxidants for immune support and more.
Eggs contain a surprising number of vitamins,
including Vitamins A, B12, D, E, Biotin, Riboflavin and Thiamine '

Raw Eggs yolk πŸˆ‍⬛ 

Warning : Actually it's not recommended for kitties or woffies to eat at all. Due to Salmonella poisoning so you guys must make your own decision. To be safe you can also eat cooked eggs.

Me & mom believes a wild side of life. Mom did a lots of research before she offered me a raw egg yolk. She never force me to eat (excepted my pills and food syringe). Me, Puddy cat always have a final say. I often denied bad/ expired/ sh*t food. If it's not to my palate πŸ˜Έ. We kitties only eats great stuffs ..tee..heh

Recommended Portion & How often : One egg yolk a week, Max 
Puddy is 14 years old : weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb ) ~ I could only eat 3/4 of yolk a day

Not just an egg yolk boosted up my energy.
As you can see I got a nice collection here.
I only talk about the one you guy have to watch out.


All boosters seriously saved my life. It's a key role to help me get better. Mom believed it's better than some medicine. And she can see me enjoy even she did Food Syringe to me. 

Nowadays I don't need Food Syringe. I get much more better, I can eat food by myself. Me would love to share because me do love you guys. Mom loves to have a record as well she is forgetful 😸

Food Syringe πŸˆ‍⬛ 
Puddy age 14 years old : weight 7 - 8 + kg. ( 16.7 + lb )

🐈‍⬛ Recovery Food
- 6 cc. a meal ( Min. ) : 2 Meals a day.

It is a food to support cats and dogs recovering from surgery or illness. It can be any brand you like.

🐈‍⬛ Blood Booster ( Kitty Supplement )
Mom mixed it with my mushy treat.
2 big drops a meal : One or two Meals a day.

It can be any Cat Supplements you like. I tried several but I love this one. Please make sure your pawrents read all things in papers and box. Some supplements are dangerous for some conditions of kitties.

🐈‍⬛ Krill Oil
Mom give me 500 mg ( from a capsule ) mixed with my favorite mushy treats. 
Once a day : Every two-three days ( Max. )

If you prefer Fish Oil, you can go for it. It doesn't need to be Krill Oil. It's just a source of Omega 3 we kitties need. Many articles advised our human should get the one, specially formulated for cats and dogs only. Mine is a human krill oil. Mom read all ingredients on a bottle it doesn't lack of anything so she offered a drop first, if I denied or it won't show a sign of improvement, she planed to go get the special one for pets, but I did eager to eat and my conditions were improving so we stuck with this one.

🐈‍⬛ Love from our pawrents πŸ’•πŸ’–
Unlimited love from our pawrents is a must !
Of course, They do love us .. LOTS πŸ’• but when we kitties were sick, most of them are too worried and too stressed. Sometime, they forgot to show love, or do it less than normal. 

Kiss, hug, pet your belly, rub your chin & head, brushing your fur, massage your shoulders or even tell you how handsome/beautiful you are, how much they love you ...anything... anything that can help you kitties feel relaxing and purrs πŸ’•

Remember ? Stress can weaken your immune systems to you both human & kitties.
So pawsitive vibes & purrs is the best.

πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’• πŸˆ‍⬛ πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’•

Long live the cat !
Long live the kitties !!!


  1. Mr Puddy, it is so good your person looks after you so well.
    You are looking very healthy and handsome :)
    Purrs, Julie

  2. Mr Puddy, I'm glad your mom does her own research and makes the best decisions possible for you, and I'm so glad you're much better now. ♥

    Thank you for stopping by my Musings blog. I want to let you know that I lost Derry on January 13 of this year (and my heart is still broken, he was everything to me), and then I lost my mom unexpectedly on March 15th. So 2023 has been rough so far.

    Take care and be well, all of you.

    Kim and her angels

  3. Mr. Puddy, we love that your meowmy is giving us this information, because we learn!

  4. Hello Mr Puddy, wow your meowmy is ameowzing and thank mew for sharing all this epic information with us! Purrs Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 🐾🐾

  5. You have a very good mom and she has worked hard to get you better.

  6. Mr Puddy I'm so happy to read that you are feeling better due to the TLC from your mom.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Great advice Mr Puddy. So glad you are doing better. Purrs from Patch, Flower and Archer. Anesha x

  8. Puddy, thank goodness you are doing so much better. And you ae as handsome as you ever were. Sending love and smoochies.

  9. We are so happy you're doing good Mr. Puddy and thank you for sharing such good information with us all.

  10. Thank you for sharing all this information with us. I continue to pray for you daily. XO

  11. Puddy, you mom sure loves you and takes such wonderful care of you! XO
