Monday, July 3, 2017

I don't do medicine

Medicine is Nop ... NO....NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! for me !

Last night it was a drama in my house. After my pawrents were back from funeral. I ate and then... They tried to give me the medicine. It used to work long time ago but now... NO !

Like this ??

Or ... Like this ?

None of this methods work for Me..tee..heh

Because I shook my head, bit, and ran away.

They wrapped me with blanket, I can manage !

Liquid medicine ? I can made special effects ! Like... Making my saliva looks like white liquid foam pouring from my mouth. Shake my head left and right and then the foam went everywhere in every angels.  Mom has never seen this before. Mom thought I was going to die. She started to scream. And then dad had enough. I probably had only 1/3 of medicine. They still struggle to give me the medicine. If any of you have some tips or tricks. My pawrents will be very appreciate. Thank you


Note for my records ( According to yesterday post : Bangkok Animal Hospital )
My medications : Metrolex ( human med : Metronidazole), Verbagen ( human med ), Baytil ( pet med)


  1. Come on, Mr Puddy: man up and swallow the stuff. It will make you better.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Be a good boy and take your meds. It may taste icky but will make you feel much better, and we all want you feeling better ASAP!

  3. Puddy, please take the medicine so you get better! We love you!

  4. We are not sure of a better way Puddy.
    We just want you to be well.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. If my human recalls correctly, the Metronidazole is what makes kitties foam at the mouth. It is very nasty tasting stuff! I'm afraid we are all pretty cooperative with the meds... even Binga! Although she has been known to hide the pill in her mouth and spit it out later.

  6. Miss Summer, I DID as Binga did. Mom said with tear " It's professional ! "... MOL

  7. I think it's the Metro Mr Poot!! I don't blame you for not liking it BUT in the long run it will do you good, buddy!! I'm sending my bestest purrs ❤️

  8. We totally sympathize with you and your pawrents, Puddy. Medicine is no fun, but more importantly, we hope the lab results just show a bug and nothing else. We all get bugs. Be well, sweet friend and take meds. Hold your breath. Anastasia says that helps her. <3

    Anastasia, Bridgie, Chopin, Angel Tinker and the mom xoxoxoxo

  9. I do know this one!!

    Brat had the frothing up his meds thing down pat, until quite by accident we discovered if he was distracted from the task at paw for about 20-30 seconds, he would swallow then be unable to froth, and if immediately given a treat of two to get rid of the taste, tends to not even try because there are Treats!
    I take a towel and drape it loosely, barber shop style in front of his Mighty Claws of Doom to discourage attack but not make him feel pinned and panicky, then stand behind him with butt against my ankles which is to prevent escape but also is a comfort zone thing. Take liquid already in eyedropper or syringe in 1 hand and position it against lip while cupping head & cheek with other hand & the very second that mouth opens squirt in as far back as you can then immediately drop syringe (you can clean/worry about it later, kid first ;) ) and close his mouth then boop his nose. Yep boop his nose and say BOOP. Follow immediately by a tail tweak, then a tummy sneak scratch, keep his attention on everything in other parts of his body while keeping his mouth closed and before you or he knows it, he will swallow with no frothing. Immediate treat & nobody has to be injured or have hurt feels!

  10. I wish I had suggestions...all my cats have been nearly impossible to get medicine into...hugs, purrs and always much love

  11. Sweet Puddy we know medicine is not fun and most if not all tastes pretty nasty, but sweetie you need to take it to get well. We hope your peeps can figure out a way to get those meds down you...we want you to be all well. Purrs, prayers, hugs and nose kisses Mags, Pooh and Chancy

  12. Oh Mr Puddy you must take your meds, you will feel better.

  13. Maybe coat tablet with butter so it doesn't start the foaming in the mouth. That worked for our friend but we still foam.

  14. Try coconut oil and Vicat's instructions. How is Puddy's poops? Does he still have blood in it or runny poops? Has it improved yet?

  15. Also, besides possibly helping get the pill down with coconut oil, virgin coconut oil is excellent for use as an antibacterial agent. So the coconut oil also helps deal with killing the bacteria still left in Puddy's intestines. IF you can't get the pill in at least he will get some help with the coconut oil.

  16. Katie is NOT cooperative at all with meds and I am too timid to make it work. What I have done on one important 14 day pill schedule is pay her Vet tech to come up each day and administer it. She did so after her work every day. It was worth it to me.

  17. Mr. Puddy, I've been reading your FB posts too, and since we have to pill our Chucky twice a day (!), we've found that pill paste works for us. It's bacon-flavored (so says the package!) and it's thick stuff that you hide the pill inside. For Chuck, we have to drop it down his throat, but he's so used to it now, that it's over in seconds. When I say 'we', I mean The Hubby does this; my job is simply to make sure the medications never run low or out. Hope you are better, big guy!

  18. I don't know Mr. Puddy, but you need to cooperate so you can be all better my friend, we love you too.

  19. puddy; we are very sorry you had to go to the eeeeeeevil place and you were so sick, we hope by the time you read this you're doing 1000000000000000 purrcent better.

    when gram paw dude had to take liquid; the food gurl put it on a plate; put tuna on the top; enough to cover the medicine and have it soak into the tuna, and then poured the tuna juice
    over the tuna so the medicine could not be smelled...

    maybe this will work ? if you dont like tuna, stupid chicken can be used


  20. Poor Puddy!!!!!! We feel just awful!!! My Angel Bobo used to HATE liquid medicine. I used to have to wrap him in a towel to give it to him. you poor baby!! We are hoping you are ok and are wondering why you have to take medicine to begin with? Poor Puddy!!! Sending you MUCH LOVE!!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  21. Mr. Puddy, metronidazole tastes TERRIBLE! We wouldn't even try to give it in liquid form. We don't blame you for spitting it out. When Wally had to have it, it was a pill, and the mom put the pill in an empty gelcap (small one, size #4) and then either put a little butter on the gelcap or wrapped a treat around it so he couldn't tast it.

    Gelcaps are great for giving pills...kitty can't taste the medicine that's inside.

  22. Like the Island Cats we have put medicine pills in gel-caps for cats and dogs. We have the treats ready right there where they can see them and they know once they let us put the gel cap gently in their throat they get a treat so it works well for us. We blow in their faces immediately after placing the cap in their throat so they will lick their noses and it makes them have a swallowing response.

    I think putting the gel-cap inside a piece of prawn might be worth a try for Sweet Mr. Puddy, too. I hope you find a good way to make this easier for all of you.

    Lily and Tommy Tea Cakes Kitty

  23. We hope you start to take your meds and feel better soon. We love you and want you to be well.

    The Florida Furkids

  24. Our mom has never been successful with medications. We've done the headshake as well, especially if it's that horrible bubblegum (????) flavor swill.

  25. I am sorry your folks had to go to a funeral. Please take your medicine so you will be better.

  26. Oh poor Mr. Puddy, we sure hope you take your medicines and get better soon. It sounds like some other kitties' beans have some good ideas.

  27. Oh, Mr Puddy, we're so sorry to hear of this! Medicine can be quite icky, but please take yours, so you get better.

  28. Oh gosh, that sounds awful, Mr. Puddy! Long ago, we made a big mistake of giving Goro Benadryl and the result was the same as your experience. I really could see anger in his eyes! We got Zyrtec instead and it worked well. I'm sorry that I don't know what's the best way to take med when it tastes bad :-( Wonder if vet could get you something less unpleasant.

  29. Oh. Buddy, I can relate to this problem. I do not always cooperate either. Ask the vet if there is a med that can be formulated so it can be rubbed on your ear. M got that for me pancreastitiis med. it cost a wee bit more, but now m can give it to me easily and I don't mind at all. I hope your vet can get something made up for you like that. I am pouring for you pal. Please excuse any typos says M, but she is lYing in bed flat on her Bach typing width bifocals on.

  30. TW mixes any meds I have to take in my wet food. She used to let Pop hold me and then pop liquid meds into the side of my mouth but got lots on Pop instead.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. My Friend puts the meds, sometimes crushed if pills, in Argasol gel. She then runs the vet on the guns or teeth. I cut the pills into smaller pieces and put in 1.5 cm capsules (if bitter). I give Akira some Chao churu mousse treats before and after the pills. Before so she would enjoy the experience and Father so as she swallows the treats she would also make sure the capsules are well on their way. Of cos I make sure the capsules are already in her theist before giving her the after pill treat.

  33. We have accepted pills best when TBT crushes them and mixes it with cream cheese on a small spoon. We lick it right up! He gives us a little non-med cream cheese every couple of weeks plain, and we love it. So when we smell it we dont suspect crushed pills. Or care...

  34. Every kitty gets to take meds at some point, just do it.

    Emma and Buster

  35. Baytrill is given by injection daily for 10 days Puddy. Not by mouth. You poor baby. I love you so much.

  36. I don't blame you Puddy! medicine is nasty! ask your mommy to try injections and be done with it. :) Good luck buddy!

  37. Poor Puddy. We know meds are gross, but please take them, okay? You will feel better, we promise. Hugs, purr and prayers!

  38. thompson can relate although he's become a very good boy at accepting his daily pill. you should do the same...
