Sunday, July 2, 2017

Bangkok Animal Hospital

As many of you already knew ( FB friends ), I got bloody poop last night so today we arrived at Animal Hospital at 6.15 am. Mom went to get the number for my queue. Guess what number ? no. 60 !! It means 59 pawsons before me. It's going to be a long day for us.
And then.... All of a sudden, we got a luck ( I'm pretty sure it's from your magic purrs ) we met mom's best friend there. She took her baby to see the doctor.

" Mee " is 13 years old doggie who has problems with his lung and joints. He got the queue no. 16 and he can take me with him. So from 60 to 16 is MAGIC ! ( * whisper * yeah ... I am cheating..tee..heh ) 

As you can see above photo, It's Canine Room so I prefer to keep myself low profile in my carrier.

We are waiting for long long time till almost 9.30 am. We were in.

( Just in case some human would like to see what it look like )

Mom brought my sample for the doctor, but she is sick ! she only prefer fresh products so the nurse did some dirty job up my butt ( * shake head * sick human ! ). After the doctor looks & sniff my product in microscope. She told us I got some bad bacterias and she is going to kill the evil bacteria by one injection & medication. Plus some blood test. 

I went to the blood sucker room. The nurse took my blood, I sprinkled my furr all over their cloth, their mouth... in the air....tee...heh...souvenir from me =^x^=

Then we went to get medication : Metrolex ( Metronidazole 200 mg. ), Verbagen and Baytil.

Next Sunday, I will see her again to get blood results, Please keep paw crossed & purrs for me.
Thank you


Note : After I got home, I scared mom... all of a sudden I had a short breathing and did breath by mouth. Mom gave me water. lots of water. I drank and now I am napping with mom because she couldn't sleep last night.



Thanks so much for your good thought, paw crossed and purrs. It means a lot to us.
Tonight my pawrents have to go to funeral. We will not able too get back to you in high speed, but slow motion. tee...heh...Please wait for me.


  1. Mr. Puddy, you look so sad and scared in the hospital! I hope the meds do their job and you are all better very soon! I'm sending lots and lots of purrs your way.

  2. Yes Puddy dear, magic indeed from sixty to sixteen! Baytril is the antibiotic to rid bacteria and you will be well very soon. Purrs from us!

  3. Puddy - I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I hope the medication works very quickly and you bounce to good health.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Can't breathe is a terrible feeling. We hope you were not having a reaction to all of your medicine. Our prayers are with you, dear Puddy. Hugs.

  5. Love and prayers to you and your mom and dad.
    Our vet told us to stick to chicken or beef canned wet food and the good indoor formula dry cat food. No more ham, fish or hamburger. And always lots of water. Take care Puddy!
    Florida hugs!

  6. Oh buddy! What a horrible experience! Me and mum have been very worried about you and we are purring and praying the injection and the antibiotics work very quickly. 200mgs Metro is a strong dose!!! Sending mancatly hugs to you, Mr Poot! xxxx (kisses are from mum hee hee!)

  7. Sending more purr prayers that the medicine does its work so you get well! Praying you and your family get good sleep too!

  8. OMC 🙀 Mr Puddy!
    Sending you lots of healing purrs and prayers.
    Best regards to your mum and dad!
    Please get well soon...

    😻 XOXOX 🐾

  9. So glad for your update! That was a long line at the vet clinic and I'm happy you didn't have to wait. Not good for any kitty cat. We'll keep our purrs and prayers coming that there is nothing to worry about when your test results come back.

    Chopin, Bridgie and Anastasia with Angel Tinker and mom

  10. We are so sorry that you had to endure such things at the vet! Horrors! Glad you seem to be better. You take care and don't scare the human mama any more. :)

  11. Oh, Mr. Puddy...! We haven't logged on to FB in weeks, so we didn't know you were having problems. We hope the medication clears everything up quickly and are sending you our healing purrs and universal Light. Lots of head butts from us and smooches from our human. ♥

  12. Poor you Mr Puddy. Hope the results are good.

  13. Purrs that this clears it all up and you are all better.

  14. Purrs and prayers that the meds do their job and that your blood work is good!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Sending lots of purrs and hugs. If you have dry food you might want to check that or change it. Dry food often harbors bad bacteria and goes rancid. It's not the wonder food that people think it is.

  16. We hope you are lots better once that bacteria is gone Mr. Puddy, we love you pal. Purrs and prayers from all of us.

  17. Mr. Puddy, we are so sorry that you are not feeling well! We hope those antibiotics get you feeling better real soon. We are purring and praying, and sending lots of love.

  18. Puddy, we are glad to hear it's a bacterial infection, 'cause we know that it can be cured! Your humans love you so much! We will keep sending purrs and hugs, so you will heal up quickly.

  19. Sweet Puddy we are so glad you have medicine now and we hope it makes you all well very soon. We hope too the blood tests come back with good results. Still keeping purrs and prayers going for you sweetie. Hugs and nose kisses

  20. Poor Mr. Puddy. We are sorry you had to see the ebil v e t. We are sending our purrs that the medicine will make you feel better furry soon.

  21. I hope the medication works quickly for you Mr Puddy, and those nasty bacteria get their marching orders.I am keeping you in my thoughts.

  22. We are purring very hard for the medications to work well and make you better!
    Purrs for good news next week.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  23. I hope you feel better very soon. How many doctors are there working? I hope not just one.

  24. Mr. Puddy, I'm glad you didn't have to wait as long. I sure hope you will be all better and your blood work looks ok. I'm glad you're home again. You looked so scared.

  25. You were lucky you were able to go from 60 to 16, but still a long wait. Glad you will be okay. Get better quickly! Hope you and mom had a goo nap!

  26. Sending tons of healing purrz and power of the paw, Puddy. Get well very soon. I bet the panting was from all you went through at the vet. I usually open mouth breathe while at the vet.

  27. Oh Puddy - hope you are better soon ! Your Mom may want to look into getting you a probiotic as sometimes the good bacteria get cut back too and that can upset your system too .

  28. Mr Puddy we are purring overtime that you are feeling better. Please hurry and get well!!!!

  29. Puddy, we're sorry you have the nasty bacteria. We hope you're better real soon.

  30. Oh Mr Puddy, I'm sorry you had to go to the vet. Glad they got to identify the cause of bloody poop. I hope the med will work and you'll get better soon. And I hope for a good blood test result. Sending purrs your way xo

  31. Oh Puddy, we are very sorry to hear you are not well. We hope the medicine will help you be completely well soon. I will be holding you close in my heart and thoughts, Sweetie.
    xo and xo from us,
    Lily and Tommy Black Kitty

  32. Oh Puddy! I am just seeing this NOW!! (I am rarely on Facebook "live")........I read the posts out of order, I read the post about medicine and didn't see this one til now. Oh Puddy!! We feel so bad for you and your Mama must have been terrified! I am hoping the meds start to work soon so that you are feeling better. We are sending you TONS of love and purrs and prayers that you will be ok! Please kiss your Mama from us too! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  33. We just saw this!! How awful for you, Mr Puddy. But you are on medicine so it will get all better. Mom wants you to know that sometimes I do the same mouth thing after a vet visit, because of stress. -Toby

  34. We did not see this post yesterday, we were busy hiding from the explosions (4th of July here!)

    Emma and Buster
