Friday, August 18, 2023

New Day, New Me ?

As you all know, I am ashes and bones now.

As we told you, my mom wants to divide my remaining
and put into several urns so I can be everywhere in a house.


A fluffy bag ! ... And it looks like SMUDGE !!!

If you look on the left : you will see all color of furry bags. Mom bought from online shopping apps.

Reminder : Smudge is my next door kitty in Melbourne, Australia

After work, she put some of my ashes and bones in this creepy bag.

It is an unusual thing normal human would do. But that's my mom.

Well, it's okay for me, as long as she happy.

Good news for you guys and me.
We have to put up with her insanity... just for this one.

Next Post ... We going to back to the past..


Angel Puddy Boy



  1. Oh Puddy it's great you're hanging with Smudge and making Mom happy. It's been 13 years but when I find bits of Chester's fur in my wool stacks it makes me so happy. Our love for are fuzzy friends is endless. And for Mom 💗💗💗 Kelley/Kank

  2. Puddy, we love the fuzzy you in stead of the tin can. Mommy can hold you close and that will be a comfort. Hugs and love to both you and mommy. We're always thinking of you. xxx - Tom

  3. Puddy, you continue to be so funny in your reactions to how mommy wants to have you wrapped in all your angel glory. I think she has a good idea. After all, what was she supposed to do? Hold a tin can close to her heart? The furry kitty is so much better, more like how you used to be. Just make her happy, dear Puddy and go along. We're lucky she's still sharing you and your thoughts! Hahaha! You're such a special boy. Love you and your mom, xxx- Tom

  4. Puddy, what you "are" is not in the tin, or in the furry container, nor in the bones and ash..."YOU" are everywhere with your Mum and your friends. We are so glad you continue to share your thoughts and yourself !

  5. Trust you, Puddy, to make us smile and laugh all the way from the Bridge! We remember Smudge! Hey, maybe it won't be so bad!

    The Chans

  6. If it comforts you as you mourn, who is it hurting. I may have done the same thing almost 5 years ago, if I had thought of it. 💕
    But when we lost our Molly (Ragdoll cat) to cancer, we decided to adopt a kitten immediately. We found our sweet Bunny kitten through a foster mom in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. I found her on Instagram. Saw a video of Bunny and her brother climbing to the top of a cat tower. But we still miss our Molly. But Bunny helped us through the grief.

  7. Puddy, you are so loving and generous with your mommy. This way, she gets to do as she said, hug YOU. And you know that you and your Mom are together close now. You did end up liking I wrong? Now you and your Mommy are close together again. That is the best thing. I wish my mom had thought of it back when Admiral and Robin passed. Bless you, and all my love.

  8. Puddy I am so glad that your Mom has something to hold and pet and think of you. I know you understand it helps her because she is missing you so much, as we all are. BTW we don't think your Mom is crazy at all, when we remember back the things our Mom did. Whew it was non stop!!! Love you Puddy and Mom.

  9. Puddy, I am glad your mum found that furry bag to put part of you in. It will give her great comfort to be able to cuddle it. You will always be in her heart, but now she has something to hold too.

  10. I understand your mom putting you in the kitty bag. She wants something to hug. I had a pillow made with my Sammy on it so I could hug him. XO

  11. Angel Puddy, you left a big emptiness for your meowmy.
    We all miss you too.

  12. Just roll with it Mr. Puddy, you'll get use to it. Hey, we remember Smudge.

  13. Puddy, even form the Bridge, you still make us laugh and smile. You are a good dude to let your mom put you in that. We know it will bring her some comfort to be able to cuddle with it, even if it does look a little bit like Smudge. XO

  14. Mr Puddy - I think you're making the situation much harder on yourself than it needs to be by choosing to look at that toy and calling it Smudge. Some people might argue that all black and white/tuxedo pusscats look the same more or less. I'm not one of those - but I think there's merit in giving your mom a break here and deciding for yourself that this is a very sweet gesture on her part and that the 'toy' looks just as much like you as it does Smudge.

    As you say, as long as she's happy.

    Sydney, Australia

  15. Puddy, I think your Meowme is a genius. I would never have thought of that. Now Mommy will have you in her heart and in her hands and be able to hold you tight.

  16. Puddy, you are the strangest and most wunnerful cat we ever met. Well, OK, there are a few others we loved too. But ya know what we mean.

    Spending your future in a Smudge is not the worst thing...

  17. We hope this has bought your mjm some comfort. Xxx
