Saturday, June 3, 2023

Pawpaws supremacy'


Once you are really ... really sick,
You should know you become...
Da most powerful kitty in mommy's world !

Let's me tell you about... 
the state of having the ultimate authority

All of a sudden you take a full control of your food !
All you can eat... Any treats you like...
You can make your demand any times.. 
2 am., 3 am.. . 4 am. ..whenever ! Your human will get up and do it.
Never say ' No ',  but beg you !

* Lift my blocking nose and say..

'Yep, I have reached pawpaws supremacy'

🐾🐾  🐾🐾 

Note from mom :

Puddy is unstable. A couple day is good, and then he is down again. All I can do is to deal with him in the present moment. I am trying my best to ease him. His nose is bleeding in some days. Other days is just normal snots. The worst version is thick & sticky. It makes him hard to breath. His pill can dilute the sticky but the side effect is bad ( Unable to eat, drink less, no poo, and fatigue ) I only can use 3 days Max.

I admire the way he fights. Puddy is always struggling with breathing through his sticky nose. He has a hard time swallowing may choke on his food or liquid when trying to swallow. But he loves his life, and he does his best to live with his own struggles... his new normal. He only asks me for help when he really can't manage to do by himself.

Puddy and I speak in different languages. Thanks for his purring to lead me what I can treat him better, to ease his difficulty.

As always... Thanks to you all for your kindness & supported

Lots of love
Puddy & Mom


  1. You have your mum very well trained, Mr. Puddy. She cares deeply for you. We all do and keep sending our very best wishes for you.

  2. Of course your Mum will do everything she can for you, Puddy! Please stay strong and fight. We send purrs and hugs to you and your Mum.

    The Chans and #1

  3. puddy, we do not get to visit online much anymore; we are sorry to learn
    you are still having troubles. if mom has not tried already, purrhaps a B 12
    shot would help your appetite, sardines in water are supposed to as well

    we pray your good days outnumber the bad….be happy and healthy and
    no stress to your mom 🐟❤️

  4. Hi, I was wondering if a Nebulizer breathing treatment would benefit or help. Usually if an animal has a really serious cold or the flu or allergies, a nebulizing breathing treatment will help. Here is a very simple video of how you can do a nebulizing breathing treatment with a cat using a simple container such as a pet carrier. This is a very simple self-explanatory video and I hope that it is something that will really help Puddy.


  6. Hi again, here is another YouTube video about using a pet carrier to give your cat a nebulizing breathing treatment. This one is really good. I like this video better than the other one I sent to you. I'm sorry if I am suggesting things that have already been tried. I can't remember exactly all the treatments that puddy has had. I wish you all all the best. Much love.

  7. Haw!!! You always were da boss of her, Puddy, just like me is the boss of my mom, it's just now you even more of a boss kitty! Me sorry your nose being so weird. Come to my house, my mom gots a humidifier, that helps me when i get phlegmy from da furnace in da cold wether. And we cood play, I like kitties, other doggos not as much. Lub, Zacky.

    Note from Zacky's mom: Puddy, even though we may never have "met" you, your blog has made you very dear to so many of us, and we all are rooting for you. <3

  8. We are purring for you, Pudster.
    But really, she'd do anything for you, even if you were breathing normally, so why don't you try that for awhile, okay?

  9. Puddy, you can make us laugh even when you're not feeling tip top. I admire your strength and you putting up with all sorts of ailments, typical of a true cat warrior!! Your mom is great. I think you make a great team with lots of love all over the place and some extra!
    Sending good thoughts and huge purrs. Maybe some powerful nip, too? xxxoooo

  10. Puddy, we love you. And you have a great mom looking after you.

  11. We love you so much, Puddy. You have always been da boss and always had pawpapws supremecy. We continue to send you and mom love, purrs, and all good thoughs. XO

  12. Puddy, we are glad to hear you are still hanging in there. We have a kitty who sometimes gets breathing troubles and doesn't feel like eating and we warm his food and raise the bowl up so he can eat (and drink ) better. In our part of the country almost everybody has sinus problems so the humans sometimes feel the same way. We know your Mama loves you and will keep doing whatever it takes to keep you going. Purrayers and Power of the Paw and much love to you both !

  13. We will continue our purrs and prayers for Puddy.

  14. I continue to pray for sweet Mr. Puddy. Could you get some Miritaz, an ear gel that helps appetite. XO

  15. We love you Mr. Puddy and we're sending you non-stop purrs and prayers pal. I wish there was something we could do to make you all better.

  16. So many healing purrz for Puddy!. TW knows that dance all too well. She feeds me whatever, whenever. Begs me to eat and drink. Please get better and keep fighting.

  17. Puddy, you precious dearest biy. Mom and I love you with all our hearts and we want you to please please get better. Does your Vet communicate with other Vets worldwide over the veterinary website where they present the worst of cases to one another in order to benefit from others' experiences. I pray so.

  18. We’re sending you lots of love and prayers.

  19. Brat is the very same way when he is having "a rough patch", and what I always tell the naysayers is that as long as he keeps recovering, as long as he has moments of joy, I'm doing all I can to keep him with me. Including being his food slave.

  20. TBT: This might be too simple, but my Mom used to use a "baby snot sucker" to clear my youngest sister's nose her first year. It seemed to help.

    You probably understand Mr Puddy's language better than you might think you do. My cat Laz is especially vocal in different tones and calls. I can understand some differences. "Out, food, attention, bored, scritchies, and treats" are different sounds, postures, and facial displays.

    Ayla and Lori have fewer, but some. Marley just has 1 "mew". Well, he doesn't ask for much. LOL!

    I loved the last picture a lot. I have been on the floor trying to understand what a cat wanted or needed more than once myself!

    Purrs to both you and Mr. Puddy...

  21. Puddy - you are being your true self even though you're feeling poorly: making your mom do your bidding! Keep it up.

    Mom: take care and be kind to yourself. It must be extremely stressful to see Mr P in distress.We are all thinking of you.

    Sydney, Australia

  22. Puddy and Mum. Dear friends, you know we love you and want what is best for you. Our support and love are total. We love you so much and hope Puddy has lots of good days. HE also has YOU his wonderful mum.

    Marjorie and Dash

  23. We are thinking of you and sending lots of love.
