Tuesday, May 23, 2023

My mom's worst fear

( Image of Puddy, A week before he is getting worst )

Hello dear friends πŸˆ‍⬛

Me get to the point... to tell you all...
It's likely that my life will seep away... soon or not ?
Me and mom really don't know...
but my furry body starts to show many bad body signals.

How it happens,

Last three weeks ago, My nose stopped bleeding. I was doing really well even I still have a leaking nose ( one nostril ) but I can eat, drink, make my products, clean myself, sharpen my claws and I have some energy to have my morning walk ( short patrol ).

From that point on, me and mom thought me can live .. like an old mancat for many years to come.

Then.. the weather turned bad .. a sudden and extreme change in temperature. It was really really hot for a couple days ( 38°C/ 100.4°F ) even we have AC.

After that my nasal discharge turns sticky...like really sticky. But this time, mom couldn't do anything to help me because its nasal cavity.


Not for long... 
My furry body denied everything. I stopped drinking, eating, peeing less and no more poop.

Mom took me to see a doctor ( his name is ' Bird ' ), Mom told him my history of a chronic cold. Showing him her daily notes about my symptoms. Asking for help desperately. 
" His discharge is very sticky.. any medication to ease?  "
" Anythings you can inject him to boost up his appetite or rehydrated ? "

🐾 🐾 

After we got home : mom just found out actually the VET can treat me by injecting the fluids under my loose skin but he didn't offer me at all. He knows I am dehydrated.

He gave me a medication to help my nasal discharge ' Carbocysteine 375 mg : Brand Flemmex )' , my booster  ( Mirtazapine 15 mg : Remeron ), and Viyo Recuperation ( the VET forgot to give mom at the end. Luckily, mom asked for it because this one is a game changer, it made me drink. )

Later, I slightly get better. I starts to drink by myself... not normal level but it's enough to make mom smile. I made my products after 5 days ( tiny little poop like made by a kitten ). I didn't eat by myself but mom can feed me by syringe.

We are looking forward with hope...

Today... my other nostril starts leaking. Now I have both . In the afternoon, I got bleeding nose. My mom starts to lose her hope. She starts to talk none sense to me...

' Puddy, I love you very very much. But if you are suffering, You can let's go. I only wish you peace and happiness. I understand if you must go, don't endure the pain. I will be very very sad but I will be okay. I love you my darling boy. and it's forever, remember that .. love you'

I didn't wait for mom to finish her sentence ...
My style... Puddy's style, I never coped with her being sooky la la. ( that's why mom always think I don't understand what she said ) I deal with a moment. I do my best. I walk to my glass. Mommy quickly follow me. ( She have to hold a glass for me, I need a special level to drink 


I don't know what the future hold. I just want to thanks you all for being my friends for this long. Thanks for your supported even me was not making a regular visit.

Lots of love πŸ’• 

Puddy Boy πŸˆ‍⬛ 


  1. We're sending our loudest purrs and prayers out to you. We love you.

  2. Oh Mr Poot, me and mum are purraying that you will get through this! My heart is very low. Sending the most gentle of purrs to you and mom.

  3. Oh Puddy, it made us sad to read your post. We are so sorry that things are not good for you, and we can imagine how worried your Mom is. Has your mom considered taking you to a different vet? SubQ fluids can be very helpful for a dehydrated cat. We are crossing all our paws and hooves for you here. Please fight on, Puddy!

    The Chans (and everyone else at The Poupounette).

  4. We hate reading that Mr. Puddy because we love you handsome boy. We are all sending purrs and prayers along with love and hugs.

  5. Puddy, you mentioned subcutaneous fluids. They may help. Can your mum do that for you? It's pretty easy once a human gets the hang of it. There are sure to be many videos of it on the internet. Even 60 mL two or three times a week may improve the situation. There's no guarantee, but f you are dehydrated, fluids under the skin will certainly go toward fighting that.

  6. Paws are held close together for you, Mr Puddy and yours during this difficult time, we so wish you to be well.

  7. Puddy, dear Puddy. You've been part of our hearts for so very long and we love you so much. We're keeping you (and your mom, too) in our thoughts and prayers. Love and purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  8. LailaandAngelMinchieMay 23, 2023 at 8:21 PM

    We are holding you close to our hearts and praying very hard for you Mr. Puddy. We love you!!!

  9. Purring for you


  10. Alla the Meowers from Missouri are purring hard for you! May the blessings of Bast be on you for whatever is the very best for you.

    Much love ❤️❤️❤️❤️ to you and your Mum

    Nitro, Igmu, DammitJim, & Ole Underfoot

  11. Many purrs to you!

  12. Puddy, you have always been in our thoughts, fondly and with lots of caring, even if you didn't make it online sometimes. Sending lots of love and appeals to heaven that you get through this. Your mom is very brave. She must love you very much not only day to day, but her keeping notes on your symptoms to best treat them is amazing and has to be a comfort to you!
    Hugs and nosetaps,
    Chopie Tom, Bridget, Penny and mom Julie xxxxxooooo

  13. Mr Puddy, I'm keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers, am sending Light and love to you both. ♥

    Kim and her angels

  14. Mr Puddy, I am sending strong love and so much you'll hardly be able to hold it all in your heart. Please get better... and it is true that your Mom can hydrate you with those fluids herself. Puddy, Mommy and I love you very much.

  15. Dearest Puddy, This is a special message from your friend Spitty who lives in another part of the universe now. He says when it is your Time, he'll be waiting for you and ready to show you where the best foods are and all the prettiest LadyCats too--and he says they're *all* beautiful! He's sending you lots and lots of peace and love.

    And Puddy? This is me, the Human now: Don't worry TOO much about your Mom. Of course she'll be sadder than sad for a time, even kind of a long time, but she will get better and the sad part will fade, and then she'll have your love with her FOREVER and years and years and YEARS of wonderful memories. You've taught her well, Mr. Puddy, and she knows how lucky she is to have been your Human. She'll always love you.

  16. Hold on, Puddy! You can do it! Sending tons of healing purrz.
    Mirataz is good. Pop puts it in my ears every couple of days or I won't eat either. If you can get HydraCare over there, it's great for Hydration.
    C'mon Puddy, you got lots of good years left in you.
    (BTW, TW was giving me a similar sob story axing if I was even trying to live and that they were trying so hard for me. If I wasn't going to try to eat, they would do the unthinkable.

  17. Puddy, please hang in there. Your mom needs to make the vet give you those fluids. You are in my prayers every day sweet boy. XO

  18. Puddy, we love you so much and will pray and purr for your recovery...You definitely need fluids, precious boy...Much love to you and your sweet family...XO...J, Sukki, Rio

  19. Oh Puddy ! We are sending purrayers and Power of the Paw to you and your Mum. She can learn to give you sub-Q fluids to help you not be so dehydrated. If the vet won't teach her she should consult another vet or even anyone she knows who has a cat with kidney failure - we who have had those cats give fluids at home.
    Will the vet give you fluids if she asks for it ? It is good you are wanting to drink on your own, but the extra fluids really help. They are just under the skin (sub-cutaneous = SubQ) No need to hit a vein or a specific spot - usually the loose skin between the shoulders, There are probably other commenteers here who can give better advice than I can. Just know you are loved from all over the world.

  20. Gentle healing purrs and much love to you and your family Mr Puddy. Your mom is a wise person and she will know what to do. You have lots of people who love you.

  21. We don't comment much anymore Mr Puddy but it's not because we don't care, we really do and we're purring so much for you. No matter what we will always love you dear one!

  22. I am very sad to read this, Mr. Puddy. Your mum needs to go back to the vet and say she needs fluids for you. If that vet won't do anything go and get a second opinion. Hang in there! Lots of love to you and your mum.

  23. Puddy, we are sending so many purrs and prayers forf you and Mom,. We love you so, so much. Always have, and always will. We hope maybe Mom will be able to give you those fluids herself. We think they could help. XO

  24. We care about you and your mom so much puddy!πŸ’—πŸ’—
    So heartbreaking to hear of all the struggles.
    Maybe mom can find YouTube videos to learn to give you sebaceous fluids?
    It's really quite simple.

  25. love to you and mom mr puddy and the blessings of st francis for you, we will ask
    him to please help you in every way, and we truly hope you get better,
    be better and stay better ❤️❤️❤️

  26. Mr Puddy, we are crossing our paws and purring for you!

    Ayla reminds us younger ones here that she saw Skeeter, LC, and Iza leave our house ta cross The Rainbow Bridge. She says they just eventually got "tired" and chose to leave.

    You will have some choice in that. You will tell Mom when you are ready to move on. And we know she will respect your decision. Sometimes life just gets hard...

    TBT says he waited too long about Skeeter's bad kidneys and regrets it. LC just went to sleep one night. Iza woke up one day in distress and confusion. All sorts of things go wrong when we get older.

    We (and our Beins) regret that we dont live as long as they do. And that there comes a time (not too soon and not too late) when it is best to Cross The Bridge and enjoy another place with old friends and new ones.

    To chase butterflys and mice. To feel good and young again. To romp and play again. We have heard it is a very good place.

    Skeeter, LC, and Iza sent us (and TBT) dream messages for a few months after they Crossed. Skeeter said he decided to be 5 forever, LC 4 (as she was always a year younger than Skeeter here) and Iza liked being a bit older than them. But as they adapted to their new life, they slowly stopped sending dream-messages.

    Good health to you as long as it can be...

  27. Do not give up hope. Another opinion? If he didn’t give you fluids (!!!) Keep fighting friend.
