Monday, March 20, 2023

Oh my nose Part 1 ( Warning : A Very Long Story )

In early of February 2023,  Me got a cold. My nose was leaking. Mom didn't want to tell you guys because she thought it was nothing. Then Sh*t happens. Big little nasty !

The first animal hospital we went. They gave us medications without details. No name of drugs ( to prevent furry patients go somewhere else better ) they just said one is for kill a bug, and the other is for stop runny nose.

3 days later it got worse. Me had more coughing & runny nose. Mom stoped all drugs and seek for Herbal Remedies instead. She found ' Breath Easy ' ( Brand : Bestlife4pets : Holistic Medicine for Cat Cold ). 

This good stuff works so well for me. very tiny pills, non gmo, no taste... I didn't even knew I ate it. Four days later... all running nose & cough was gone. 


Then early of March ( Our Summer ), a quick drop to cold temperatures makes my precious nose leaking again. It's hard.. hard for me to believe it turns yellow.

Yeah right, 😿  ..we knew it's a sign of infection. No way mom can use 'Breath Easy' to help me. I need something to kill a bug.

Mom got me into one of the best animal hospital in Thailand ( March 9, 2023)
( Not the one in early of February : Mom doesn't trust them anymore )

We did not come here in the first place because
The waiting time is very long ( 4 hours + )
Because they have over 60 furry patients + a day ( Booked & Walk-in )

The doctor sent me to a special room to kill a bug,
then X-Ray to see my Kitty Upper respiratory system.

As you can see I have something in my nasal.
( Actually, Mom can't see it even she has a glasses on )

The last photo : Left of you, Right of mine
Near my heart... my doctor said it is not normal, but it is not yet dangerous.
Have to watch out. It could turn to be serious issues like asthma.
It's mom's job to keep an eye on me.
( Click here to see : normal feline X-Rays )

A VET gave me 2 Medications ( Both liquids )
1) Amoxicillin ( Brand : Cuvamox ) - a penicillin antibiotic
2) Cetirizine ( Brand : Quitex ) - antihistamine

😿 😿 😿

After took 2 Medications ( Both liquids ) for 3 days

Mom was shock ! Me was shock !!
My nose is bloody bleeding !!! πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€ ( with mucus )

Back to my hospital again on March 14, 2023
( before my appointment )

Mom thinks nosebleed is a side effect from antihistamine.
Because this medication makes mucus super sticky ,
or my nasal very very dried till nosebleed.. ,
or my furry body is sensitive.

A doctor ( The 2nd doctor : It was not my 1st doctor's schedule on that day) does not think so
She said side effects only occur when a kitty first take a medicine,
my mom thinks side effects can happen at any time
so mom asked for change the medication for my runny nose (Cetirizine) to be something else.
Oh !!!, you are NOT a doctor, You are just a mom of Me !

The doctor gently, decline her request.
Obviously a doctor doesn't fall for mom lol 

A doctor sent me to a breathing box ( Antibiotics ), then took samples from my nose.
Make a new appointment to see her on Tuesday 21 March, 2023 for the results.
She did not recommend to stop medicines.

On the way home, I started to cough often....

At night time, I couldn't lying my head down to sleep. I could not breath.
Mom cried she got no ideas what to do. We both fall asleep next to each other.

Next morning,
I have a labour breathing. It looks like I couldn't breath. I tried my best to catch an air.
The thick mucus was blocked my nasal. I was struggling badly.
We were back to hospital instantly.


March 15, 2023
I met the 3rd doctor, She looked into me. Listen to mom...blar...Blar..Blarr.rr..
She sent me to a lab to unblocked my nose with saline solution.
I felt better. I am able to breath even I still have runny nose and no blood !

The 3rd doctor changed a medication for my runny nose to be
Siflex ( INN: Carcocysteine / Liquid 100mg )
She said the drug will diluted sticky stuff in my nasal but not effective to stop nose leaking.
It should help me breathe easy...

Mom gave me Siflex 1.5 CC after my meal.


March 16, 2023 At Home
I could not eat at all
.. Not even 1 kibble

'Puddy, are you seriously doing IF (Intermittent fasting) ? ' Mom asks

Me gave mom a look,
.. A look of sicky
Me know mom just doesn't want to give me negative vibes,
But it's not funny, I'm only 8.5 kg. ( 17.6 lb )

She have to give me mushy food by syringe so I can have my medication.
Sicky is tough ... Me feel so fatigue

2 days I could not eat. It's one of Sirex's side effect.
To make my nasal clear, I must take my medicine.
No eating by myself for 2 days
Pee tiny, No poop


Third days, Mom stops giving me Sirex.
Because I look like no soul, no energy, not eating, drink little, tiny pee, no poop for 2 days.

The end of a day,
I eat my dried food & do some works in my litter tray.
Tiny small things that make my mom happy.

🐾🐾.      🐾🐾

Since that day, mom give me natural stuffs to cure me instead
She is very careful with the amount / frequently

I feel better. Now I can eat, drink, and go to my litter tray.
my nose is leaking a bit, sneezing a bit
I have some energy to run away from mom when she wants to clean my nose.

🐾🐾  🐾🐾    🐾🐾 🐾🐾

Tomorrow I will go to hospital again to see my results
Pretty please keep claws crossed & purrs for me

Lots of love πŸ’•

Note : all my medications are human medication, Not kitty medicine.


  1. Frankly, I think your mum is right to go with the herbal medicines, Puddy. Right now, you seem to be back to where you started, but eating, drinking and using the litter-box. I think all the inappropriate medicine the doctors gave you has been flushed out. Doctors know their stuff, but they don't know you. A combination of doctors' knowledge and your mum's will see you right. Good luck, Puddy.

  2. Oh Puddy! We are soi sorry that you are not feeling well, and also that the hospital is so difficult. We are crossing all our paws for the results tomorrow, and sending you big healing purrs.

    The Chans (and everyone else at The POupounette)

  3. Oh Puddy! We (Zacky and me...he is doggo but cares about you too!) hate to hear that you are feeling poorly and going through so much. Sometimes Zacky gets mucus and it is scary. We hope that you continue to improve and no more leaks and coughs. We love you.

  4. Puddy my darling, I did not know what you and your Mom are going through I did not know you had a blog so I will try my very best to keep up with you and purr and cross every claw I have for you. Love you Puddy.

  5. Love you Puddy.
    My heart goes out to you and your mom.

  6. Sending healing purrz to my good pal. I think you're mum was right that the antipistimine dried you out too much and gave you the nose bleeds.

  7. I am sorry you are having such a hard time, Mr. Puddy. I hope the results tomorrow are good and that you soon improve. Sending you big hugs.

  8. Oh Puddy we send purrayers and Power of the Paw that you are finally on the road to getting better ! Your Mama has sure tried to do everything she can for you ! We humans get so scared when our furkids are sick !

  9. Purrs, prayers and tons of hugs to you Mr. Puddy. We sure hope all will be okay super soon for you. We love you dude.

  10. Puddy, I am sorry you have had such a tough time. I will be praying you are better soon. XO

  11. Puddy! Buddy, Gigi, Angel Spitty, and I are sending you lots and lots of our best purrs and hugs, and we purray that your appointment goes well and you get to feeling way better! We all love you very much! XOXOXO

  12. Poor baby boy. Must be such a difficult time for your and your Mum. Sending lots of hugs and prayers that all will be well. Lot of healing purrs from Patch, Flower and Archer. x

  13. Oh Puddy, what a time you are having!
    I purr you get a better result when you go back to the Vet. It sounds like your mum knows how to care for you. I am sending lots of healing purrs!
    Purrs, Julie

  14. Dearest Puddy, we are sending you big purrs and prayers. ������

  15. OH PUDDY!!! And Mom!!!! I was sitting here terrified as I was reading. What an ordeal you have been through!! Puddy, we are praying with everything we have that you are going to be ok! Through all of this you still have your sense of humor! (you made me laugh when you said "mom you're not a doctor, you're MOM!!" You poor thing! Sending so much love and hugs and pawsitive energy!!! Please keep us posted Puddy! xoxo

  16. we are sorry puddy and hope you get great news that the infection is gone
    st francis blessings to you and hugs to mom because she is stressed ❤️❤️

  17. Oh Puddy - it was so wonderful to see that you had posted and then so distressing to hear what you and your mum have been going through. I hope you recovery very very soon.
    Big hugs to you.Please keep us updated.

    Sydney, Australia

  18. Don't mind us Mr. Puddy, we were just looking to see if you had an update yet.

  19. We love you, Puddy, and are sad that your nose is giving you so many problems. We are purring and praying and sending lots of love your way. XO

  20. Hey,Puddy, you are such a trooper and so is mom. All these docs and their individual meds, all with the hope that they will help you feel better. Sometimes it takes a few tries with humans, but it looks like your mom knows what she's doing. Keep her by your side, my furriend, and all will be well. Sending love and hugs to you both. ~ Tom, Bridget, Penny and the mom here, Julie xoxoxo

  21. Scary, scary! So glad you have a great human looking out for you. We all be purring and praying for you.
