Monday, May 4, 2020

How my pawrents give me a pill

Me got no idea why my pawrent thinks I still have to take da medicines.
Seriously ! There is NO NEED !!
Right now , Right here... I EAT !!! but I don't chew
Me do believe I have da right to skip a pill.

( VibraVet 100 Paste : Antibiotic for the treatment infections )

7 days pills = 7 days of torture

Words from mom

" Puddy hate pills. He will do everything in his powers not to take pills such as : runs away, hide, digs his claws in human's hand, hide a pill under his tongue then spilt later so we got no choice to put him in body pillow case


  1. Oh Puddy you know they only torture you because they love you..only 6 more days 🐱💙

  2. Hang in there, sweet boy; we hope you feel better asap...Purrs and love to you, dear Puddy...XO...J, Halle, Sukki

  3. C'mon Puddy. You've been here before. You get sick, you got to the V-E-T and then you HAVE to take your tablets. HAVE to - okay? It's fabulous that you're already feeling much better, but you want to make sure that you're absolutely 100%, so just suck 'em up.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Like I am with everything, I am very good about taking pills if I need them. My human considers herself lucky.

  5. To the mom ---> Would he be tricked by a pill pocket? (A treat with the pill tucked inside)
    To Purdy ---> Sending PURRS xxxxxx

  6. Poor Puddy, hope that you feel better soon. Sending purrs from Patch and Flower.

  7. Poor Puddy, but it has to be done. We all want you 100% fit and well again.

  8. Oh dear, Mr. Puddy- I can only imagine (so far, thankfully) I'd be just the same when it comes to pill popping. Dad's sure he'd lose a hand in the process as he knows how I can be. Bless your heart!

  9. Mr. Puddy, you are very skilled to hide the pill under your tongue hahaha... I hope you take pills for sure this time and make a full recovery :-)

  10. Puddy, you should change your opinion. All of us, me for sure, want you well and able to be completely bossy in your home.
    I was so glad you knew what it was like for me to be wooed by that brown tabby, and his constant pee mails to me when my heart is taken by others. You are there at the of the list.
    Be a good mancat and take the medicine..then you will be done. No more v-e-t.

  11. Puddy, if you don't fight it you'll get better and everyone will be less stressed.

    The Florida Furkids

  12. I'm glad to see you're having a fun time Mr. Puddy! That medicine is important!

  13. Aww, you forgive your humans just as soon as they give you a treat, Puddy!

  14. I'm with you, Mr Poot!! You are my hero and I have now learnt even more ways to hide the dreaded pill!! ❤️❤️

  15. You poor kitty. I am sorry you have to take meds, but they will make you better. XO

  16. WHERE can I get such a pillowcase ? There is only me to burrito - hold - pry mouth open - administer meds. That requires four hands and I only have two !

  17. Oh, Puddy darling it’s good to see you! Feel better soon.

  18. Gracie doesn't like to take pills, either, Puddy. Your parents love you, and want you to be all better, so please take those pills, okay? XO

  19. Believe me, Puddy ... the medicine is to increase your stamina.
    Stay calm, Puddy ... after that you are free to play around 😼

  20. They got ways of getting meds into us. Making us wait for 2 meals and then when we are REALLY hungry and then mixing a crushed pill into toona! And there are shots! The least terrible way is ear gel. Some meds can work that way...

  21. Puddy we missed you a lot. We hope you feel better. Just take the pill and get better. Paw pats to your humans.

    Emma and Bustet

  22. Miss Pops is the same.

    julie and Poppy Q
