Monday, September 3, 2018

It's my 10th Birthday

' ♪ ♫ You are my sunshine, my only sunshine ♫ ♬ 
You make me happy my dear little Puddy '

 Love you lots  
Mom & Daddy


  1. Oh, my whiskers, Puddy, happy birthday and best fishes from the Cat Wisdom 101 team xoxo

  2. Happy birthday, Mr Puddy! We hope you have a fantastic day!

    P.S. Tell your mom that our human Googled and found out that the squirrel had a hickory nut in its mouth. She also found someone's terrific photo of a squirrel with the same kind of nut in its mouth, a profile shot. :-)

  3. Mr. Puddy happy meow day and welcome to the double digits!!
    Looks like you are having a fine celebration
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. A very Happy Birthday to you Puddy. Hope you have a great day and many more of them.

  5. Happy Birthday, Mr. Puddy! We love you too!

  6. Happy Birthday Mr. Puddy! I know you will have a most special day!

  7. Happy Birthday, Mr. Puddy! Have a most wonderful day! I just found you again... duh, all I had to do was read!

  8. Happy birthday, you fine fellow, you!

  9. Puddy, you are ray of sunshine for your pawrents!
    Happy Birthday, big guy!

  10. Mr. Puddy, you are very loved. Happy 10th birthday!!!

  11. Happy 10th Birthday Mr Puddy. Hope you are well .

  12. So lovely to see you popping up in my inbox today!!! Happy Birthday Mr Poot old buddy!! :-) ❤️

  13. Happy happy 10th birthday dear Mr. Puddy! We want you to know we started blogging because our mama was obsessed with reading you as an everyday visitor. You and Emma are the same age.

    Emma and Buster

  14. Happy BDay Mr Puddy - and many more ! It is good to see you again !

  15. Happy Birthday to the boy on the other side of the world who stole my heart the minute I set eyes on him! I am so happy you have the best family in the to you always!!!

  16. Happy Birthday sweet Mr. Puddy. XO

  17. Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Puddy!!! We miss you and we love you!! xoxo

  18. Happy birthday to you, Puddy! We love you, and hope your day was as special as you are!

  19. Happy happy birthday to you, Mr. Puddy! We wish you a wonderful birthday filled with treats and hugs!

  20. Sorry we're late Puddy. Happy Birthday gawjus. We hope your ay is/was as purrfect as you are. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  21. Happy Belated Birthday, Puddy. With your party hat on, looks like you are ready for some fun. Hope you got all your favorite things for presents. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  22. Happy Belated Birthday, darling Puddy! And many happy returns of the day! You are certainly a magnificent looking boy, more handsome with each year. We hope you had a day full of all of things you love the best. Big hugs and kisses from all of us.

  23. Ten???? How come???? It seems to me I have known you for a year or two! Anyway, happy birthday to you, dear Mr Puddy!

  24. Oops, we missed this. Happy belated birthday Puddy dear! Purrs and hugs!

  25. Dear Mr. Puddy, I am so sorry for missing you special day. Happy belated Birthday! I will remember from now on as you and my son share the same birth day. Wishing you may hugs and kisses.
