Monday, September 4, 2017

Yesterday ♪ ♫ ♬

❤ Friends, Thanks so much for pawsome birthday wishes 

Yesterday, It was my 9th birthday and I were in the jail !!! ( inside the house ) Mom didn't let me get a fresh air whole day long!... She was so cruel !! I felt pretty mewserable. I spent my day crying meow... alone ( mom is here, I'm with him.. believe me ! ) and truly unhappy getting high on Matatabi ( Puddy's favourite Japanese silver vine powder )

Mommy is here, The day before yesterday Puddy got itchy skin right above his eyes.  I put some pet balm on those areas to stop him keeps scratching. It didn't work. He scratched himself till it turns so red so I have to put the cone on. The end of the day, the rash was gone. I took his cone off. And then, Puddy felt itchy again. This time, He took his fur off, and scratched himself till it was rash. I suspected Puddy might have ears mites or Sarcoptic mange.

Today we took him to the VET to examine. His VET couldn't see anything wrong. He advices to keep an eyes on him. While he was there, we decided to get Puddy more vaccinations. The VET recommended Feline Infectious Peritonitis Vaccine ( as known as FIP ) 0.5 ml. and Feline Leukemia Vaccine.

' Guys, nothing to worry! .. me think me will be fine ! '

PS : I'm 8.15 kg. ( 17.9 pound ) Mom is going to me on diet. ....It's crap !



  1. Awwww, Mr. Puddy! The itching and the rash sound so miserable. But we are so happy the VET did not find anything wrong. Gosh, we hope the rash stops soon. Hugs and love to you :-)

  2. Poor Puddy! Not only the itchy and scratchy part, but being inside and wearing the dreaded cone..Kitties here feel for you, Puddy and hope things get better for you. Meanwhile, Chopie says, silvervine will help you forget,teehee :)

  3. Maybe you are allergic to something in your catnip or silver??

  4. Puddy, I put some balm similar to yours on Patty O'Malley; he's got some sort of weird itchy spot on his chin. I cannot put a cone on him because he lives outside, and he licked it all off! I hope your parents don't mind if I mention that your itchies may be stress related, but I hope you feel better!

  5. Oh Puddy, the Cone Of Prevention? We wish we could help you pull it off!

  6. Oh dear, you got some troubles, Puddy. Feel better soon! At least silvervine doesn't have any calories.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

  7. Oh no Puddy, not the darn cone. We hate those things. Hope the darn rash goes away soon. Have a happy day.

  8. Mr Puddy, we hope you quit itching soon pal, that's no fun.

  9. Gee! Itchies, a vet visit,needles and a cone!
    Maybe you should just sleep until it all goes away :/
    We purr that will be soon.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  10. So sorry you had to wear the dreaded cone on your BIRTHDAY! Poor Puddy! We hope the itchy spot goes away soon. xoxo

  11. Puddy - not a happy few days. Hope things improve soon.

    Sydney, Australia

  12. HaHa! Bless! :).
    Though l must say Mr Puddy...In the last
    photo..You look like a 'lamp'...!
    A BIG turn on....!x

  13. Mr. Puddy we feel so bad for you! Nothing worse than an itch you cannot scratch. Hoping it goes away soon.

  14. Sorry that you had to wear the cone of shame. Hope your itchies go away soon.

  15. Bummer about the itchies and the cone. We hope you are better soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Mr. Puddy, it's a shame the vet couldn't find the reason for the itchies but maybe that's good and means it's not too serious. We just hope they go away soon!

  17. That's the problem with going to the vet, he sees you're a tad over the weight limit and prescribes a "diet". Worse that the shots, dude.

    Hey, take it easy. Don't scratch too much.

    Emma and Buster

  18. Oh handsome Puddy. Hop in your tunnel and come right over. I still have some silvervine.

  19. A cone... and being told you need a diet?! What an awful vet visit!

  20. Oh Mr Poot!!! What a horrible end to your birthday!! I feel your pain bro!! I hope you feel better soon!!!

  21. Happ belated d-day! We are sorry to hear about the itches and the cone! Glad the vet couldn't find anything seriously wrong.
    Did your Mom say the "d" word.
    Winston and Emily

  22. I hope your itches go quickly so you can get rid of the dreaded cone.

  23. We hope you stop itching soon! That looks like good nip! Diet is a 4 letter word....

  24. Puddy, sometimes Ernie gets the itchies like this and we've determined that he ate something that he had a reaction to. Did you eat a different food recently? You might be allergic to something in it.

  25. Poor Puddy, I hope you are better soon. If he doesn't go near other cats, he doesn't need those vaccines.

  26. Sorry about the itching, Mr. Puddy. I got mosquito bite yesterday, too. Itching is hard to cope with - I hope it will go away.
    But lucky you, that's a lot of matatabi :-) Niko loves it, too!

  27. Oh Puddy - maybe if you chew a bit of silvervine the itches won;t be so bothersome !

  28. Revolution kills ear mites. It works great! just a drop on the back of the neck and they are gone. It also kills any possible fleas. He might be allergic to flea bites.

    Good luck Puddy!

  29. Awww, that's sad that you had to wear the cone on your birthday. We sure hope you had a good day anyway. Purrs that you are feeling well soon.

    Happy belated birthday!

  30. We're so sorry that you have to wear that cone, Mr. Puddy. And a diet? NOOOOO! That is all so unfair. we hope your itching goes away soon. Hugs!

  31. Poor Puddy itching is awful and with this cone even worse ! Hope it will stop quickly ! Putting my cats on diet is impossible, what they don't get here they get at the neighbor's pretending that they are starving and I am the bad one !

  32. I'm so sorry you are not at your best. But never mind, you will get better soon with mom taking very good care of you. Oh yes, Happy Belated Birthday!
    I love hearing from you Mr. Puddy.

  33. puddy; sorry we missed your birthday dood N sorry you had to go to the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil place; we hope your itcheez are 1000000000 purrcent gone and never come back, we hope your birthday was totally awesome and here's to another 9 and a year ahead filled with happiness and health ♫♪♫♪♪♫ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  34. Puddy!! A cone on your birthday? WTF!!?? What's wrong with your Mom? A diet??? She sure has a funny way of giving presents! You are 17.9 lbs of PURE MANCAT!!!!!! You aren't fat! As for the red rash (spot)....Cody used to get them all of the time, (we had to put him on Pred, the Vet thinks it was some sort of environmental allergy), he hasn't had one in a looooong time and he used to get them a few times a year. Praying yours goes away Puddy so you can get out of that darned cone!!! We LOVE YOU!!!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  35. The cone on your special day?? Anyway, happy birthday!

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