Friday, September 29, 2017

Cacti & Me

For the love of cacti  my dad has his collection here.

Me & mom are not interesting them but... she asked me " Puddy! Come here. I want your photo and cacti " and here I come...( Yes, I do come when she calls sometimes )

Mom screams so me run away

Well, just teasing !...tee..heh..heh   =^x^=


  1. They must look like nip cactus to you! Hugs :-)

  2. Mr. Puddy! I don't think you want to eat that.

  3. Oooh dear. I don't think your Daddy would be very pleased with you Mr Puddy.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Don't eat them Mr Puddy or you will get prickles in your lips! Your daddy will probably yell too.

  5. Your dad has a terrific catcti collection, but we think they might be too hard or have too many spikes to eat! :-)

  6. Mr. Puddy, I saw some HUGE cacti at a botanical garden recently, and was AMAZED by the colors, sizes and shapes. I understand why your daddy likes them! I hope to post my photos soon in FB; I'll make sure I tag you so he can look at them.

  7. dude, i'm not sure you really want to nibble on cacti...

  8. That thing looks like it might bite back Mr. Puddy!

  9. Mr. Puddy you are very brave to get up close and purrsonal with the cacti....their daggers are sharper than Ours I'm sure.

    Mom would love a succulent rock garden of sorts.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. Wow, that a really nice collection of your dad's cacti! I'm not sure if they'd make a good snack, though, hahaha :-)

  11. So funny, I was just looking at a cacti the other day and almost bought it but then thought about picking the spikes out of my cats and passed on it.

  12. puddy...dood.....we would say please dont eat; talk about sharp ! ☺☺♥♥

  13. Dearest Puddy-Boy, dont eat them 🙀.
    They are bad for you. Ask your mom and daddy for treats!!!
    Nice pictures!
    XOXO 😻

  14. How pretty! But...we don't think you want to eat those as they have prickly things on them! OUCH!

  15. Mr. Puddy, you're so funny. Those cacti are so pretty! Your dad a great job with them.

  16. Puddy, if you're smart you'll leave those cacti alone. :) They're very nice.

  17. Pop loves cacti and has one. Rumor is he used to have more. TW can't understand how I can stand up against it and not get the needles in my furs and skin. Did you get any in your tongue?

  18. Puddy!! You aren't on a diet again are you? If you are, no wonder you went to eat that cacti!!! BTW they are beautiful! Your Daddy does a good job with them! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  19. Pretty flowers but #1 says it's not a good idea to eat cacti!

    The Chans

  20. Those are pretty. Be careful Mr. Puddy. Thank you for the words of comfort on the loss of Phoebe. XO

  21. No, Mr. Puddy. That is not a snack! :)

  22. No Mr. Puddy, no!! That's a snack that can hurt! Ouch! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

  23. Poor My Puddy hope the next nibble is better. lol

  24. Cacti look awesome! You, too, Puddy dear! Looks like our human is thinking about getting some to grow! Purrs!

  25. The cacti are wonderful! We used to have some and are considering trying them again. But we are kind of into Venus Fly Traps now and they have been spectacular.

  26. They look so beautiful when they are blooming ! Poor Puddy these "flowers" are not kissable !

  27. Your dad's cacti collection is just wonderful. You were just wondering if you could have a little snack during the photoshoot. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful week.
    World of Animals
