Sunday, August 13, 2017

Exciting Sunday

It's Sunday! It was supposed to be an easy day for me, and everyone. About 3.40 pm., I had my snacks, and then mommy let me out to enjoy the garden and having kitties chat ( at my front gate ) as usual. Normally, after that mom went up-stair but Today, she stays down stair. Mom was about to continue her book, and then she heard ' BANG ! ' at the front gate. She quickly moved to see what was going on ? And here we all are tense outside the house !

Mom saw the legs of two black kitties behind my gate, and then mom saw a young water monitor ! and I was not far from him. Mom fears the worst, I might get bite from the water monitor ( the big one can eat the rabbit ) so she opens the door screaming ' Puddy Don't ' I didn't listen to her but approaching him. Mom came out and quickly grabbed me then ran inside our house. The water monitor, he was freaking out by mom. He ran out of the gate. My two friends, black kiities chased after the water monitor.  Me was looked at mom " You know ? You just ruined the fun ! I'm about to get him ! "

It's very exciting Sunday =^x^= Especially, mom because she in fact, really scare of all reptiles but ... because of me ! She forgot her fear... MOL

*** =^x^= ***


Adult Size: The third longest lizard in the world, attaining maximum lengths of 8½ to 9 feet. Most adults range between 3 and 5 feet in length.

Water Monitors are carnivores, and have a wide range of foods. They are known to eat fish, frogs, rodents, birds, crabs, snakes and rabbits


  1. :-O

    Holy cats, Mr Puddy! Those things grow to be HUGE! We're glad your mom got you back into the house and we sure hope the other two cats didn't get bitten in their chase.

    That was quite an adventure!

  2. Holy CARP! That had to be scary for your Mom!! You need to stay far away from that guy!!

    Thanks for the continued purrs and prayers for our Daddy.

    The Florida Furkids

  3. Wow, Puddy, that was exciting, but we are so glad the mom grabbed you. That is not something you want to chase. You all have a good rest of the day.

  4. OMC!! MR POOT!!!!! The excitement the danger!!! Wow!! You are one brave Puddy! It's a pity mommy ruined your fun!! Humans, eh!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. We know your mum spoiled your fun, but she just wants you to be safe!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. You were very brave to even think about going after that lizard, Mr Puddy, but your mom is so so so brave - to leap out and grab you even though she is frightened of lizards. What a mom!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Oh Mr. Puddy, you need to keep far away from that meat eating monster pal!

  8. You have a good Mum saving you from that bad reptile. Stay safe.

  9. OMC! Your mom saved your life! Thank you Mr. Puddy's mom! You are so brave! Glad your buddies on the other side of the gate chased that evil monster away!

  10. Mom is the hero!!!!
    We have alligators here in Florida.
    I am very ascared! :o
    Alligators have no boundaries!!!!
    Mom is the hero.

  11. Sorry, Mr. Pud; am in your mum's side on this one! You are much too valuable to leave in possible harms way. Hope those two kitties are okay too.

  12. OOH! Puddy, we are glad Mom came and got you, even though you were about to get that water monitor. They are scary!

  13. Jumpin' catfish Mr. Puddy you are a brave mancat to stay out with banging noises. I love that first close up of your handsome face.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. So glad your Mommy heard it and was able to make sure you were safe, handsome Puddy!!...We know you are a big, brave boy, we never want you in danger of any kind, just like your Mommy...We hope you both had an easy day after all the excitement...Love you lots, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, MommyCat

  15. Whoa! Those water monitors are some huge lizards! I think they would even make my human - who loves lizards - a little nervous. I'm glad your human didn't let you get near the one you saw.

  16. Catzowey! I never ever seen nothing like dat looooong lizard in my City. Nope not nevah - phew! Be safe and meowvalously on guard!

  17. Mr Puddy, did you know that we didn't know what a water monitor was until reading your post! The lady does not like reptiles so she's in awe of your mom rescuing you. She's a hero and we're so glad you're safe!

  18. Oh, sweet Puddy you don't want to be chasing or messing around with those critters. We sure are glad your mom over came her fear and scooped you up and ran inside with you. Now we hope you all are having an real nice, easy Sunday. Hugs and nose kisses

  19. Oh puddy! Yikes! That was too close of a call pal. My little kitty heart. Cannot take all that excitement. We would all be devastated if something happened to you. I am shaking at the thought of what could have happened!

  20. Que susto!! Fico contente que tua mamãe foi rápida, é preciso dizer ela foi corajosa também.
    Cafunés Para você, Puddy!

  21. Wow, mom to the rescue. That was scary. Were you scared Puddy?

    Emma and Buster

  22. Wow, Puddy ! I'm glad Mom came to your rescue, even though you think you didn't need it ! I hope your kitty pals got away safely too !

  23. Whoa! That thing looked tasty! We could have barbequed it. Human spoil everything.

  24. Your mom was very brave to come out and rescue you! I wonder if those other kitties caught it. I hope his mum and dad weren't hiding around the corner!

  25. Oh my goodness, what an exciting day! It would be fun to chase that giant lizard, but I'm glad you didn't, Mr. Puddy! Bravo to your mom coming to get you for your safety!

  26. OMC PUDDY!!! My mom would have DIED!!! She is afraid of reptiles too!!! I am glad she made that creature "freak out!" and thank COD those other kitties chased it away! It is good you have helpers in the neighborhood and YAY for Mom forgetting her fear to save you!! YAY MOM!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  27. Glad you are safe, Mr. Puddy, even if you didn't have much fun!

  28. What an exciting day you had, Puddy. Thank cod the water monitor doesn't t eat cats....or does it???

  29. I am glad your mom saved you. I hope the water monitor didn't hurt the other kitties.

  30. Who are those brave black cats who chased away the monster?

  31. Wow, I'd be scared for you, too, Mr Puddy. I'm glad your mum was quick to rescue you. You didn't know the danger you were in!

  32. Glad you are safe and didn't get eaten Mr puddy.

  33. Mr Puddy! Please don't DO that! EVER! Your mom was lucky to hear the ruckus and save you!!!

  34. Mr Puddy! WOW! Mes glad your Mommy saved yous! Mes does not want to sees yous here over the bridge for a LONG...LONG...LONG time!!!
    Mommys RULE!
    Your Nellie Bellie

  35. Puddy in your first pictures you have the same teeth as Dracula ! What strange creatures are in front of your door, we have only dogs or occasionally a fox !
