Friday, March 3, 2017

Fashion for... (Bald)

Today's Special, Me do fashion for... 


* Whisper * ... for bald

What happened ?

Daddy applied the flea treatment ( Revolution ) a bit too low this time ( 01-03-17). Late yesterday, I got a bald spot. Mom wiped it with water. This morning I started to get a few rash, so mom wiped with cold water again, then she applied my bold spot with Papaw Ointment to reduce to relieve skin rash. After that, she put scarf on me to protect me scratched it and we got lots of mosquitos here.

This fashion doesn't bother me.
* Whisper * Me think I can manage later ..tee..heh


Kitties, Do you have any experience with bald spot ? Please share! Any tips for me to grow my fur back fast. I really don't want to be bald forever.


  1. You might have a bald spot but you still are very handsome. We don't have any experience with bald spots...we hope somebuddy can give you good idea.s

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Oh Mr Puddy - that's upsetting news. Your fashionable outfit does look very stylish, however - although I'm confident that when your mom isn't looking, you'll be able to pull it off.

    Good luck growing your fur back quick smart.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Oh no, who wants a bald spot? A few years ago I went through a phase where I pulled my furs off my lower end. I got a Prednisone shot and eventually it grew back. Takes awhile though. - Toby

  4. Gosh, Puddy! I think that you ROCK the scarf! Chucky had to be shaved for his ultrasound; we simply allowed his glorious furs to grow back without any stimulation. He looked fine after a few weeks.

  5. Oh, Puddy, we are sorry about that bald spot! But you look very handsome in your outfit, so not to worry. Big hugs!

  6. Just leave it covered up so you don't scratch it, Mr. Puddy! Scratching it will make it take longer to grow back.

  7. Poor Mr Puddy. You rock the new look! Hopefully the hair will just grow back on it's own.

  8. Revolution is not our favorite product. Very toxic. The quickest way to heal is with Vetericyn gel or spray. Really works fast. xoxo

  9. I use a powdered supplement twice a week for my cats. We have one cat who gets "over-stimulated" and over grooms herself, causing thin spots on her coat. But we've never had a completely bald spot. I just mix in with their wet food twice a week. I think this keeps their coats and skin healthy.
    (Missing Link Ultimate Feline Formula for Cats) I order it from CHEWY.COM $16.00. Also found on

  10. You won't be bald forever, Puddy. Besides, you look quite dashing in that scarf. A new cat fashion!

  11. You look very handsome in your scarf, Mr. Puddy!
    Goro once got bald spots and vet thought it was due to allergic reaction to something. His fur grew back. As the flea treatment that caused it is already removed, your fur may naturally grow back..and I really hope so! xo

  12. You look very debonair with that scarf, Mr Puddy!

    Years ago the biped used to buy those flea treatments from the pet store, but after one of them took the fur off of Annie's neck, she stopped getting them there and only gets them from the vet now. There never have been any problems with the stuff the vet sells.

    Purrs and peace.

  13. Puddy, you sure do look handsome in your nice neck ware. We do not have any experience with bald spot but it sounds like the Mom is doing the right thing.

  14. you're rockin that look. diego-san had a bald spot once when i spilled hot soup on him. he got a blister, the vet prescribed an ointment. His fur grew back quickly though. but he avoids me now whenever i'm carrying a bowl of soup.

  15. You do look mighty fine in your scarf Mr. Puddy and I'm sure the fur will be back before you know it!

  16. It will grow back fast. And you're still handsome!

  17. Ohhhhhhhhh Mr. Puddy...your mom was very kind and smart to come up with a way to hide your bald spot and keep you from licking it. The scarf is actually very trendy.

    OMCS I wish I could help with the bald spot issue but I suspect and hope it will heal with your mom's excellent TLC. Hopefully if you aren't scratching it the hair will return in time. Wonder if per chance you are allergic to bug mosquitoes. Mom is extremely allergic to them then make her skin puff up.

    Hugs madi your bfff

  18. puddy...dude....well, we admit ya look great in your scarvez

    tell your dad and mom to look into food grade diatomaceous earth

    they can apply it to you to keep away many bugs and it can
    also be used in the house; it's all natural and not harmful to
    people or pets; make sure it's food grade though so it can be
    used by your water/food bowl

    coconut oil will heal that up; but if it's hot there; it wont
    work so well ~~ it will melt pretty quick ! ♥♥♥

  19. Puddy I am sorry about your bald spot but you look soooooooooo handsome in that scarf!! I love it!!!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  20. You rockin' that scarf, Puddy! I thought you were a model. Sorry 'bout the bald spot.

  21. You are quite dashing in that scarf Puddy ;)
    It will appeal to the girls.
    Wear it and don't worry about the furs, they'll grow back :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  22. Well, we love your debonair scarf (call it an ascot and it will make you sound rich & famous). All of us cats have been on Revolution for many years without any reaction, because one of us was positive for HW once (yes, indoor cats can get bitten by skeeters, too!). We've seen other cats lose fur at the application site. It will take quite a while for the hair to grow there, but we don't know if it's available there, but Teri likes the Vetericyn gel, too.

  23. Puddy, your scarf is pawsome! When Ernie had his allergy problem last year, he had two bald patches on his back and he still tried to scratch it all the time. The mom had him wear a cool t-shirt so he couldn't scratch it. We're sure your fur will grow back real soon too.

  24. Puddy pal, I feel for you. It is not fun to have a bald spot, but I would not worry too much as ffur will probably grow back again. It might take awhile, but it should grow back.

  25. Mr. Puddy, you look so handsome in your scarf. Your mom was so smart to use something that looks really pawsome but will also protect the area from being further scratched or licked. I think probably patience is key and your fur will grow back.

    Your pictures look great!

  26. Would coconut oil also work well for something like this? You do look very handsome with your scarf, Puddy!

    The Chans

  27. I hope your fur soon grows back, Mr Puddy. You look very handsome in your scarf though.

  28. Poor Puddy! We don't have experince with bald spots, but you sure are rockin' that scarf!

  29. Puddy, você ficou muito charmoso com esse lenço.
    A Pretinha também teve o mesmo problema com o anti pulgas,
    o interessante é que ela foi a única que perdeu os pelos, todos
    os outros gatos (8) não tiveram nenhum problema.

  30. The scarf is very fasionable. We are sorry about the bugs, though.

  31. Oh Mr Poot! That is an embarrassment to such a floofily handsome mancat! I've not had that problem, but when The Staff used to put the flea gunk on my neck it made my skin go flakey and I made a huge fuss!! So now she takes me to the v-e-t every six months for a flea shot which is much better, though I don't exactly like going to the v-e-t you understand! I hope it clears up soon, but that bandana looks very dashing! I think the ladycats all go swoon ;-)

  32. The flea meds are quite toxic, I think. If you had a severe enough reaction that your fur fell out and you have a rash, your mom should call the vet and report this, ask for a different med, perhaps one that is put into your food once a month. Pls be sure to get mom to call the vet!

  33. Nobody would think that you hide something bad under it ! It suits you very well !

  34. We wanted to thank you for your kind comments about Cousin Trooper.
    He was a great ManCat and we will miss him a lot.

    The Florida Furkids

  35. Take care when these things happen Puddy! You and Mum did the right thing taking action and also covering with such a cute protector to fool the flies!

    Keep well buddy!

    The Dash Kitten Crew!

  36. You're still as pretty as ever! Love your bandana as well :)

  37. You look dapper in your scarf, Puddy. Quite a good look for you.
