Saturday, January 7, 2017

Puddy cat on a leash

As you know, My dad promised me to take me outside but I didn't expect.... A LEASH !

The worst is yet to come..

.. Me do camouflage to da floor


PS : Daddy notices I couldn't walk because a leash is "eight type" and it's not wide enough for me to feel comfortable to walk. It's the biggest cat leash (with adjustment ) in the shop so my pawrents promise to get the new one for me.


  1. You just disappeared right into the concrete..great camouflage, teehee

    We know how embarrassing it is to be on a leash and your friends see you..but I hope you had a good walk.

  2. OMC, Puddy! Those neighborhood cats are so rude to laugh at you like that. MOL!!!

  3. Oh dear! Just tell the guys this is the newest fashion, and you are quite the stylish mancat.

  4. I don't think you look silly at all! But now I wonder what the other cats in the neighborhood think when they see me in my leash!

  5. I have to admit, Puddy, your buddies out there are pretty funny. Mimi feels the same way, especially since she used to be the boss of this hood, before she came in from the cold. She just sighs and does her best.

  6. Mr. Puddy, you look as handsome as ever on the lead, and those other cats are simply jealous of you and your Dad!

  7. I agree with the Eastside Cats, Mr Puddy. The leash clearly indicates that you are a very loved and very valued cat and that your Daddy wants to look after you when you're outside the house. I think it's very likely that those cats are very envious and were just trying to disguise that fact. You are very lucky to have parents who care for you so well.

    Sydney, Australia


  8. OMC! Puddy! We laughed , and laughed , and laughed! But not AT you...WITH YOU!! Heeheeheeheeheehee!!! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. Oh Mr Poot! I didn't laugh, really I didn't - well, maybe just a little :-)!! I think you are one cool cat! Those other kitties are just rude!! I hope you get to go out again! Maybe you'll start a trend!! xx

  10. LOL! Sorry, Mr Puddy, but we did laugh. We think it's GREAT you're out on a leash and it will be even better when you have a harness that fits. You'll get to go out and explore and be safe at the same time. It's a win-win. And never mind what the other cats think. They can laugh all they want to -- maybe they're just jealous you have parents who love you enough to care about your safety!

  11. We have to agree with everyone, we think you look great on the leash. All those other cats are just jealous that they don't have a person and a leash. Just think of all the things you will be able to explore. Have a great week end.

  12. Oh Puddy! You look very handsome and, yes, they are jealous of you having a hoomin who loves him!

  13. Puddy, you look dapper and spiffy and just purrfect! Those other cats are rude and jealous. They don't have a Dad who takes such good care of them. Wait till they see your new harness when you get one. You will make all the Ladycats, like ME...swoon! Pay no mind to those other cats. They are just sick with jealousy and want you to not be so handsome. I wish I were there so we could take a stroll and have our picture taken together!

  14. Oh Dear, Puddy!

    We recommend that your parents look at the Puppia Harness. It is in fact for dogs, but the small sizes are very good for cats. Tama wears a size S Puppia, so maybe a size M for you, Puddy?

    The Chans

  15. Oh Puddy buddy, you actually look very handsome in a leash. It isn't so bad wearing one once you get used to it. i haven't been on my leash since we moved into hte apartment. M said why start something since I'm not asking to go outside.

  16. Those other cats are just teasing you Puddy.
    We think they are secretly jealous.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  17. Not to worry Mr. Puddy, just tell them you were walking your human!

  18. Puddy I tried that with my cat once and he fell over like a fainting goat...would not get up! I should have explained to him he was going to take me for a walk and needed the leash so I wouldn't get you always...

  19. Mr. Puddy, you are lucky to have a daddy that takes such good care of you and wants you to be safe. Maybe your mom will get you a leather harness with studs and then the neighbor kitties won't dare laugh. :)

  20. What a funny post=you have some silly friends, darling boy!MOL...Handsome Puddy, we are so happy your Daddy is taking such good care of you, sweetheart=you are precious and loved!...Happy weekend, dear one, we love and adore you too!...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat

  21. Those cats are very rude to laugh at you, Puddy! I think they are jealous that you have such a nice house and wonderful pawrents. Maybe you need a DOG leash which might fit your manly frame better.

  22. Puddy, meu amor, você é muito engraçado!
    Cafunés para você!

  23. No we didn't laff, not even a little bit. Oh maybe just a little.

    Mom bean says the time she tried on a leash, we became rocks.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  24. Those cats are rude to laugh at you, Puddy. Maybe a dog leash could be better ? Purrs

  25. Mr. Puddy I purrsonally think the leash makes you look very distinguished and
    so very stately...
    Pay no mind to the others they are jealous
    Hugs madi your bfff

  26. OMC Puddy I am so sorry I laughed sooooo hard at this! It was just too funny! Tell Mom and Dad when I used to take my Angel Bobo out on a leash (he LOVED it!!) I used a DOG COLLAR (Oh yes I did!! A dog collar for a smaller dog) and a CHAIN dog leash!! Yep! I did! why? Because the dog leashes are made a million times better than the cat ones and I felt much more secure with them! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  27. By now you must be the talk of the town Puddy! you better get a mask with that leash.

  28. OMC Mister Puddy this is such a hilarious post. Hope everything's well with you in the beautiful land of Bangkok.

    Emma and Buster

  29. Those other cats are just jealous of you that is why they are laughing. You look great on your leash.

  30. We think you look great because you look SAFE!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  31. so much for your street cred, Mr Puddy :) still, it is good you are safe and able to go 'sploring. purrs,

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  32. Nice job camouflaging yourself into the concrete, Puddy. Those other cats are just jealous. They WISH they had humans to walk, too!

  33. Mr Puddy! Mes thinks yous looks marvelous on the leash!
    Those other cats is just jealous that their peoples does not loves them as much as your peoples loves yous and wants to keeps yous safe from harm.
    Stay Strong and mes hopes yous gets a new bigger leash soon!

  34. Oh Mr. Puddy, don't worry about what other kitties think. You look super handsome in your harness!

  35. That's too funny!!! You just look super handsome no matter what! Just enjoy you walk:)

  36. puddy. we think the other cats are jealous because they are not outside with THEIR dads....just their selves...bye the way...when you camouflaged into the ground... we could NOT see you, so we are guessing your new leash has the....... POWER OF INVISIBILTY !!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥☺☺

  37. Oh Puddy, we think you look pawsum. But there's nuffin' worse than a harness dat be too tight. We purrfur da vest types with velcro. They work really well and come in all kinds of colors and fashions. Nokitty would be laffin' at ya' then. You'd be da bestest dressed kitty in da neighborhood. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  38. Oh noes your parents didn't. The horror.

  39. Don't let the other cats get you down. You look great on the leash and are much safer. Wishing you a belated Happy New Year. Our beans were sick over the holidays - no posts.

  40. Hey, tell your pawrents, if it gets you outside, you'll wear TWO leashes!

  41. No wonder you can't walk on a leash when you've been laying on the cold ground Mr. Puddy.

  42. Isn't that always the way when you're trying to be invisible.
