Friday, November 4, 2016

The Spook Show

So... I quickly get under the car

Yep, Spook shakes his tail and sprays the entire upper long wall !

PS : I surprised mom when I got under the car. ..... and Mr. Spook, he surprised mom too ! He really did spray while mom took the photos !


  1. Mr Spook seems to be very rude :(

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Oh No, that sure wasn't nice. Glad you were under the car Puddy. Hope that Spook moves along.

  3. Uh oh! I think Spook is trying to tell you he is boss of neighborhood! Watch out Puddy!

  4. ^..^ x5 *gaspz* we thinkz may b u shood b careful round Mr. Spookz on accounta he soundz like a baaaaddddd in flu ense. ^.,^ x5 ♥

  5. At least Spook warned you!
    That was not nice of him to leave pee mail on the wall.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Guess Spooks new name is STINKER.

  7. Nice pee mail announcing territorial battle is on. This kind of behavior happens all the time with indoor cats and they pee on the wall inside. At least you're peeing outside.

  8. We're hoping that Mr. Spook is keeping away from you Mr. Puddy.

  9. Yikes! It was a good thing you took shelter under the car! :-O

  10. Dang, purrsonally delivered pee Mail is messy Mr. Puddy!

  11. Ooh, the smell of male cat pee is PEE YUIE!

  12. Mr Spook is very rude to spray your wall. Introoder Cat sprays the outside of my garage door, so I have to spray the inside.

  13. Mr. Puddy that Mr Spook needs to go to feline etiquette school it is not polite to spray at a friend's house. MOL good thing you took cover under the car
    Hugs madi your bfff

  14. Oh my! Glad Spook gave you a warning..and you were safe from shower!

  15. We think Spook wants to marke you his brother and your yard his yard too. He wants to be in your family.
    He wants to belong.

  16. At least he warned you before doing it. Have a great day Mr Puddy.

  17. Mr Puddy he was marking the wall as his own territory!

  18. It's a good thing you weren't in the way! That wasn't very nice at all.

  19. I think he must not be fixed, if he was fixed, he wouldn't be so naughty.

  20. Poor Puddy! Mr. Spook is sort of RUDE, isn't he?

  21. Ele é bem atrevido! hihi
    Uma parte de vinagre branco para duas de água, essa mistura ajuda a remover
    o cheiro da pulverização de urina de gatos, também tivemos esse problema com
    o gato do vizinho dos fundos pulverizando o nosso pátio, os meus gatos não
    gostaram da marcação no território deles. Tivemos uma guerra de marcações, e fui eu quem teve que limpar tudo. suspiro...

  22. To his credit, he gave you ample warning, but still ... this is YOUR yard, Mr Puddy. Tell him to go spray in his own yard.

    Sydney, Australia

  23. Ugh, Puddy. What a rude neighbor you have! Time for Spook to get snipped!

  24. that's not very nice of mr. spook.

  25. How dare he Puddy. Of all the nerve! You must get even with him. Revenge can be sweet sometimes!

  26. Puddy, that was awfully rude of Spook. I am grateful he warned you though. But still...ride rude rude!

  27. Yikes! I'd get under the car, too, Mr Puddy, considering the circumstances...

    Is it your birthday? Happy birthday to you if it is. I had no idea until I saw someone mention it on Facebook. May today be a good one whether it's your birthday or not.
