Friday, September 9, 2016

Double Black

These day, I love to spend time outside ( still inside my fence ). I can do whole day long. Today mom comes to join me because she hears me talking " Meow " so loud ! ... Just like I'm taking to someone.

And mom is curious to find out !

 .. while I have a new friend behind me.

To be continue


  1. You've got a new friend, Mr. Puddy? Cool!

  2. LIke your new friend Mr Puddy. I had two black cats in my garden this week and one tried to come inside (the cheek!). Purrs Skipper.

  3. Puddy you have a sleek panther wonder you spend all day outside in your terrific garden...hugs and purrs...

  4. Glad you have a new friend. We look forward to hearing more!

  5. It is nice to have a new friend, Mr Puddy. Spook is handsome, but of course not as handsome as you.

  6. Your new friend is beautiful! Is s/he really homeless? That would be so sad. Purrs to him or her (and you too)!

  7. You have such interesting life, Puddy! your new friend is very handsome and has beautiful eyes ( not as handsome as you, of course!)

  8. Me likey Spook! Looks like you likey Spook too, Mr. Puddy!

  9. Spook looks like a nice guy....we cant wait to learn more about him.

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Your new friend looks to be a lovely and we are looking forward to seeing you both together another day Mr Puddy.

  11. Mr. Puddy you are one handsome Tuxie and Spook your eyes are gorgeous
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. Mr. Puddy, I got a kick out of you talking on the patio and your mom listening to you. Spook is a cutie. We sure hope he has a loving home.

  13. That is so neat, you have a conversation with your nice black cat neighbor. That is so great that you have become friend. Bet Spook is glad to know you.

  14. Wow, what a gorgeous kitty Spook is! Good boy, Mr. Puddy, for trying to warm him of pawparazai :-) I hope you two become good friends!

  15. We're glad you have a new friend, Mr. Puddy. Looks like a new model has been born.

  16. You've already made a friend at your new place! Yay! Hope he's nice!

  17. Hi Spook! I'm glad you befriended Puddy so he gets to like his new home.

  18. What a beautiful black panfur ! It's nice you already have a new friend ! Purrs

  19. Mr Puddy you have a great place to hang out in and now you have a new friend!


  20. Spook is very handsome! We hope he isn't really homeless...but we know he will have a good friend in you Puddy :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  21. Oh a new friend!!!!! Spook and then your old friend "Smudge!!" xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  22. Spook looks like a good cat! It's nice to have a friend to talk to, isn't it? :)

    Hugs to you, Puddy, and to Mom and Dad, too!

  23. Our human like the name 'Spook' of your new friend, Puddy. Purrs from us and hugs from our human.
