Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday New Garden

My pawrent have been gardening for 2 days.

Next, it's going to be my job !
A very VERY HARD job !... Think about it... 
Checking things out after the rain ! Who really want to get the paw wet ?
Me  !!!   =^x^=

Let's do it !

Start with my favourite... Dwarf Bamboo Plants



Ground orchid

Ground orchid

Mom couldn't remember what this is called but the shop lady told mom her cat love to lie on top of it.

Mosaic plant

Wrightia religiosa Benth

Areca palm


I hope you are enjoy my garden



  1. I simply adore your new garden!!!
    Their hard work really shows.
    What a beautiful, peaceful looking
    garden. The plants they chose are
    amazing. The Mosaic plants are so
    cute! And the ground orchids are just lovely.
    I am very fond of bamboo. So pretty.
    And your stepping stones are
    just perfect for your darling paws!
    And that mystery plant looks familiar....could it be oregano or
    thyme?? Wishing you and the pawrents
    many wonderful days in the garden!
    Florida hugs,
    Becca and my two kitties,
    Molly n Lola

  2. Your new garden is amazing! Congrats to you all for the hard work!

    We kind of are surprised that we see some of the same plants in your garden as in gardens here. Guess we expected everything to be completely different because of the difference in climate. :-)

    Purrs and peace.

  3. Mr. Puddy, your garden is beautiful, but there is one item that makes it's you, Mr. Puddy!

  4. What a lovely garden, Mr. Puddy! I can see you gave it your paw of approval.

  5. What a beautiful garden you have Mr Puddy. Enjoy.

  6. Your garden is beautiful Mr Poot!!! And you look very handsome in it!!! :-)

  7. Oh Puddy!!! Did you help your Mama make that garden so beautiful? It is GORGEOUS!!! It looks so peaceful and relaxing!!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. Pathways through flowering gardens... I love them.

  9. Your garden is gorgeous!!

  10. We love your garden, Mr. Puddy! Those are lovely plants and flowers your pawrents picked out. You did an excellent inspection of their work. We look forward to seeing how it all grows now. Hugs to you all.

  11. Oh Mr Puddy you have the most amazing garden. Your parents did a wonderful job and we hope you enjoy many safe hours in it!

  12. Mr Puddy, you have a lovely garden.
    Thank you for getting wet paws in order to show the garden to us :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  13. Your garden is beautiful, Puddy! We bet it was worth getting your feet wet!

  14. oh my cat!! Mr Puddy your garden ALMOST make me wanna go OUTSIDE!! But, nope, not gonna do that. I'll just watch you enjoying yourself

  15. Everything looks beautiful- especially you.

  16. Oh Puddy! You have a wonderful garden. Your pawrents have done a great job and making a very special place. I am glad to see you wanting to be out in it and looking so at home.
    Love to you,
    Lily and her kitty-boy Tommy

  17. Your new garden looks pawsome, Puddy. Definitely worth getting your paws wet.

  18. Your garden looks really beautiful, Puddy! Mom and Dad did a great job. :)


  19. It's a beautiful garden, Puddy! You've done a great job!!!

  20. What a wonderful garden you have, Puddy! WE are sure you will enjoy it on days when it is not wet!

    The Chans

  21. What a lovely garden, Puddy! It looks like you have plenty of beautiful plants to enjoy at the new place.

  22. Absolutely beautiful garden. Mom and Dad did well ... with your snoopervision of course! xx

  23. Mr Puddy! We are delighted to find you again and to have you on our feedly list.! You have such a wunnerful garden...

  24. What a lovely garden you have!!! We're sure you will put your special touches on it and make it even nicer!

    The Florida Furkids

  25. Wow, your garden is beautiful! The plant that kitties like to lie on top does look like very nice bed! Flowers are so colorful and pretty. Enjoy exploring your garden, Mr Puddy :-)

  26. Hi buddy, your garden is absolutely beautiful. Maybe I could come over sometime and you could give me a personal guided tour? Those plants look like they would be great to hide behind and under. You will have lots of fun in it.

  27. Your garden is wonderful! So many pretty plants. And imagine all the nice butterflies and bugs that will come for you to chase!

  28. You have made the loveliest garden Mr. Puddy and have some very pretty flowers -some we know and some we hadn't seen before. We bet your Mom and Dad thought you had made it look wonderful.

  29. Puddy, you must really have a green claw!

  30. Your garden is beautiful Mr Puddy. It looks like it will be nice and cool when the weather is hot. Your parents have done a lovely job of it.

  31. This garden is amazing!!! Such a beautiful pictures!!! Keep posting

  32. Love your pretty new garden, handsome Puddy!...Hope you have a fun weekend, sweetheart...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat

  33. It is so nice to see you Mr. Puddy! Your garden sure looks nice!

  34. Seus humanos fizeram um ótimo trabalho, o jardim
    ficou muito bonito!
    Cafunés para você Puddy!

  35. Nice job. That's a lovely garden.

  36. A wonderful garden, Mr Puddy. Well done to your parents and all their hard work. Good snoopervising by you, too.

    Sydney, Australia

  37. Mr Puddy! Your garden is fabulishious!!!
    It is totally beautiful and such a variety of plants!
    Did your Mommy leaves yous room so yous can dig and poops in it?
    Enquiringly minds wants to knows!
    Many Kisses

  38. Your garden is beautiful Mr. Puddy! We hope you enjoy visiting it furry often.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  39. How lucky you are Mr. Puddy to have such a lovely garden! Sunday purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang!

  40. Oh Mr. Puddy! Your garden is so beautiful! We would love to be able to have a garden like yours for our very own. Many happy hours will be spent resting on that wonderful kitty bed plant.

  41. You have a tough job Puddy. But you do it well. Kudos to the humans. The garden looks pretty and very neat.

    Emma and Buster

  42. Very nice garden, Puddy - It makes a fine backdrop for your handsome self!

  43. Such a beautiful garden. Mom Paula loves gardens, but she says she has a brown thumb, so we don't have one of our own.
