Thursday, June 23, 2016

Bangkok rainy season

( above photo : poring rain on my window )

Did I ever tell you now it's rainy season in Bangkok ?

Oh yeah, It's totally different from Melbourne Australia. Here it's like a huge water bomb from da sky....heavy rain, lighting and rolling thunderstorms. And a couple day ago, Bangkok has a big hit of the heavy rain from 10 pm. till 4 am. in the next day... 

And in da morning.... Daddy & Son

You know ? Me is not a fan of water ! To make sure me is not end up doing water-bath. Me run !

To all my lovely friends

Thanks so much to continue to follow me. You all are da best friends.

Lot of love


Puddy Boy


  1. It's good your dad carried you there, Mr Puddy. You don't want those white feet to get dirty - or even wet!

  2. Wading though tht would make your paws and belleh soaking. Best dash inside! Eeeek.

  3. We had 1.5" of rainfall in 30 minutes, but it ended. And to US that's MASSIVE...

  4. Normally, we don't have rainy season in France, but this year, we have had that kind of rain almost every day! We understand you, Puddy!

    The Chans

  5. Ugh! That totally does not look like fun! Are your humans crazy for wanting to live there or what?

  6. That is a lot of rain!
    We get rain too, but we are indoor cats, so it does not matter :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  7. Yikes! You're smart to run and stay away from all that water!

    Thanks for letting us know what your new blog URL is.

    Purrs and peace from Nicki and Derry

  8. Good idea to get back in the house away from the flood. No fun getting the paws wet although some of the cats here do like to dip their paws in their water bowls. You all have a wonderful day.

  9. That's a lot of rain. I hope rainy season will be over before too long so that you can enjoy sunshine :-)

  10. Hiya Puddy. I'm glad that your daddy is taking very good care of you in the wet.

    Sydney, Australia

  11. Thank goodness your Daddy saved you from having a swim Mr. Puddy.

  12. Puddy you have the best Daddy...taking you outside for fresh air but not letting you get that gorgeous fur wet...looks like you spend a lot of time running up the stairs...when it'd humid I never want to be you always

  13. Wow! We new about the rainy season in Bangkok but we didn't realize you got thunder and lightening. We rarely get thunder or lightening here in Vancouver, Canada but we get a lot of rain and we are getting a lot of rain this summer! Ack! Stay dry sweet boy :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Good thing you ran from all that water, handsome Puddy!...Thank you for the kind comments for Daddy Cat...We hope you have a fun day, sweet friend...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat

  15. In answer, I do believe the Stokes Asters are my favorite. Their blue flowers match my eyes... ~ IZA

  16. Stay dry, Puddy! And stay inside when the storms roll through. They sound like bad ones.

  17. Mr. Puddy I hate when my feets get wet!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  18. Oh my Mr Puddy that is very different weather! Lots and lots of water, is that common? Stay dry inside!

  19. That's a lot of rain, Mr. Puddy! Glad you are able to stay high and dry.

  20. What was your dad thinking bringing you out in the rain puddles? You were smart to go in the house.

  21. ARe you scared of the lighting and thunder Puddy? Do you see ducks in the flood?

    Take care.

    Emma and Buster

  22. Yuck on all that rain! We would follow you anywhere Mr. Puddy!

  23. that's a whole lot of water...

  24. Wow, that a lot of water, I agree you are safer indoors. :)

  25. Isso é muita água! Você é muito esperto Puddy, é melhor ficar dentro de casa.

  26. Puddy you are cracking me up with your reactions to Bangkok! I would stay right there in your Dad's arms with all the water around. Love your expressions, Puddy... :) Sending you hugs!

  27. Good job with keeping dry sweet are so very handsome and not a speck of water or dirt on you any place and that is good. Looks like you did get lots of rain...keep those pretty feets nice and dry sweetie. Hugs and nose kisses

  28. Wow, Puddy! That is a whole lot of rain water! Good idea to run into the house. Stay dry, okay?

  29. Hi Mr Puddy!
    We don't like the water either friend

  30. That is a lot of water Mr Puddy. We have had lots of rain too with flooding during the past month.

  31. We would follow you anywhere Mr. Puddy.

  32. Woah! Look at all the water!!! Mes would runs up the stair too Puddy! Wes has been having lots of rain here, but Mommy says its because mes not used to living on the West Coast. Its not Hot Hot hot like Midway either, but mes likes it here now. Mes sure yous will like Bangkok soon too!


  33. I'm glad you stayed dry, Mr. Puddy! I hope you're enjoying your new home!

  34. Oh Puddy, You poor baby and your humans too. hOw awful. I hate water and certainly don't want to get my furs wet. Thank you so much for your comments on my bloggy. I really feel for you and your humans pal. It's pawful what you have to go through. Come and live with us!!!!

  35. My goodness, what a different world you are living in now, Puddy. It is great to see you going outside sometimes though.

    So glad to hear from you,

  36. Glad you had help to get thru all the water. We will check in more often now that Sweetpea is better and the beans are home for the summer.
